Wont Give Pain Pills
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Hi I'm 26 with 5 kids. After my 3rd in 2010 a mri showed 4 bulging disks and a pinched nerve down my left leg. Was on hydro 5 5 ml a day naproxen a muscle relaxer an physical therapy. I became pregnant so I stopped everything. I lived in az at that time now I'm in tx. The pain has gotten so bad it's hard to care for 5 kids. I don't have insurance and I don't qualify for Medicaid. I can't afford insurance so I have carelink which a payment plan cause I'm poor. Saw my Dr today she won't do a mri unless a xray shows something. She will only give me naproxen and physical therapy. I said what pain meds will she give me for physical therapy she said nothing. I have 5 kids therapy will kill me with no pain meds. She said I can see another Dr there but they don't give pain meds for back pain. Asked for pain mang. But they don't give meds only advice to Dr which won't help. What do I do in so much pain feel like they don't care cause I'm poor.

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I wish someone would post the link to these new laws that state no pcp can rx pain meds for chronic pain. Pcp's are not doing it like they use to, but there are no new laws saying they cannot.

lacy, unfortunately, those who are poor doesn't receive the same health care that those who aren't do.It is highly doubtful that you will be able to find any dr who will rx you pain meds until you can either pay out of pocket or have good insurance. Pain Management Drs don't just do meds, they also do inj's. and those are expensive. If you want the meds you have to do the inj's. and heathcare for the poor won't always pay for pain management because they don't consider it needed like other services are.

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She offered physical therapy so I asked what type of pain mang will she give she said naproxen. So I asked for pain mang referral. I did not say no to physical therapy. She was mad I asked that's when she said you can switch pcp but none here will give you pain meds for back pain which I only asked for them during pt cause I got to go home to 5 kids and physical therapy makes you hurt for the first 3 weeks. Found out there pm only give pcp but advise they don't give pain meds and my Dr already said no. Pm can't get me in till Aug 28 anyways so I don't know what I shold do. She acts like naproxen and pt will cure me but I did that 3 years ago and here I am still in pain. That stuff helps but it won't cure me. She won't even talk about other options she wanted to just dismiss me.

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Due to new regulations that were put in place last year, the prescribing of medications is out of the hands of your PCP. You can only be prescribed them by a specialist, which is likely why they tried to refer you to pain management.

The fact that you won't try the physical therapy is most likely also complicating matters, that's taken as your not being cooperative in your own best interest.

Have you considered contacting a pain management specialist on your own to actually get in for an appointment?

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