Womb Cleaning Without Consulting A Doctor (Top voted first)


Please help me I want to get pregnant, but I'm having a problem with my womb it pains at times and I think it just need to be cleaned. I have been trying for five months now but I can't conceive

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Please help me,I'm trying to get pregnant for more than 5 years now,my womb pain me most of the times,and I'm experiencing pains during my period,and dark clots,I think my womb needs to be cleaned, is there any pills can I use to clean it

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How can I be pregnant I want to clean my womb what can I do

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Hello ladies,

I realize it's not always pleasant or appropriate to consult a doctor about such private concerns... However there are gynecologists that specialize in female reproductive issues who may be able to help you. I'm sure someone of their profession wouldn't judge you. They should try to make you feel as comfortable as possible about openly discussing your problem(s). I would just encourage others who think they may be facing reproductive challenges to consider making an appointment with a gynecologist; that way they can try to evaluate your situation in a more precise manner with whatever knowledge or technology they have available. So instead of 'thinking' that something may be wrong in your womb, at least you would 'know' without a doubt whether there is even a problem at all or if there's some other approach that should be taken altogether to achieve a successful pregnancy.

I hope this helps and wish you all the best of luck in finding the right form of treatment.

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Hi i have a pain in my wond which thing cn i used without going to doctor

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I'm rose kapua,i live in solomon island and i need help because i want to have a baby

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I am 24years old i have been trying to fall pregnant I don't know what is wrong with my womb and it is paining so I need anything that can help me to clean it with out consulting a doctor

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