Withdrawal From Vicodin (Top voted first)


I have been takin vicodin for my back for about 6 months now but I only take 2 a day, maybe 3 bc they are xs, but also bc Im afraid to take more than that do to what wld happen if I didnt take them nemore...sumtimes the pain is so bad that I have to take 2 at a time...they seem to last the full 6 hrs for me which cld be a good thing...I have siatica and kidney stones so my pain varies from day to day...I would at sum point, like to get off of them for good and dont know if I shld ween myslf off myslf and do the withdrawals myslf or shld I tlk to my Dr and see if there is sumthin to take the edge off while Im withdrawing...Im concerned b/c Im a mom and want to start a bigger family and cant take these for the rest of my life....neone with ne info or xperience on withdrawls I wld really appreciate it...thanks.

4 Replies

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Hi! Thanks for posting.

I actually just recently went cold turkey off both Morphine and Oxycodone and I had been on them for over 5 years.

First off, I have to tell you that your body can become dependend on anything that you ingest, for a prolonged period of time.

It doesn't matter if it is your morning glass of orange juice or an apple with lunch, if you suddenly stop ingesting it abruptly, you will experience some withdrawal effects.

How bad they are, depends on how long you have been ingesting it and how often. Addicts/abusers, who keep taking more and more drugs, have very dangerous, even life-threatening reactions.

However, if you have not been abusing and have been on them for such a short time, you may have a few miserable days and then be done with it.

I was on a very high, twice daily dose, of Morphine and my worst withdrawal effects only lasted 3 days.

There are some that may last longer, such as rebound pain, it always comes back for awhile and will be worse than before, simply because your body is no longer used to dealing with it.

By all means, speak to your doctor, they may be able to help you taper or provide you with something that will make it easier and help prevent some of the withdrawal effects.

I would also like to make you aware, since I was also taking narcotics for pain meds, that the side effects of these types of medications can actually be making your pain WORSE and you may find yourself feeling better without them!

Narcotics can cause muscle stiffness, joint pain/stiffness (including in your spinal discs,) acne, hair loss, weight gain, mental confusion, memory loss, and a whole list of other side effects.

Since going off the meds, my pain has been better than it ever was while I was taking them and I haven't had to use my cane since the week I stopped taking them!

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hi, i just want to give you some advice on vicodins, if you are only taking 2 or three a day, trust me when i say switch to advil or something over the counter. Even if that requires you taking more over the counter drugs then only two or three vicodins a day. My habit started with only 3-4 a day and before i knew it i was up to 30-40 a day. It will destroy your liver then the rest of your life. Pharmacy companies and the government have us hooked on these feel good drugs, not for our beneift , they have us on these for theirs $$$$$$ Get The Hint!!!!!!!!

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I have been on vicodine 5.5 for 2yrs and quiting cold turky Ive been taking about 8 a day that whole time. How long r the withdrwls?

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vicodin for 3 years every day all day and i get sick if i dont take it 60mg aday for a bad hip,and now it dose not work,and my hip is geting bad ?????

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