Withdrawal From Klonopin 1mg Daily (Page 4)


I have been on kolonopin 1 mg daily for 14 months now I am depressed and very anxious most of the time I want to get off this drug but from what i have read It should be cut down slowly and over a long peroid of time. has anyone gone through a simlar situation that may have some advise

292 Replies (15 Pages)

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If you want to stay on this drug and "be stuck there" the rest of your life that is up to you. I choose to get off and not "mask" my problem anymore. As far as this drug not being addictive, you are totally wrong my dear. But keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. Your body gets totally dependent on this drug if you are on it for a long period of time. If your Dr. tells you otherwise I suggest you see a new Doctor. My family Dr. told me he would NEVER prescribe this drug to anyone. I just hope you don't need help getting off of it.

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I don't know who you are taliking to. For millions this drug is a lifesaver, as is for me. I don't need it everyday like an antidepressent, I went that route before and I will never take those again. I had a hell of a time getting off zoloft. I know that klonopin, xanax etc. Is very addicting, who wouldn't? People are not stupid. I don't care what drug my doctor prescribes for me, he always tell me the risks involved when taking the drug. And me as well as everyone I know will also do the research on any medication being prescribed. Get real already!

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I am not masking any problem, I think you must be talking to someone else, am still new on here. Anyway, for everyong that has finally on the right medcation to treat their medical problems, I am very happy for you, because it to me forever to get on the right medications that would help me. I have had to go to many doctors untill I found one that really cared and took the time to find the best option to treat me. And I have gone through hell for many years before getting the right medications that I need. God Bless all of you out there who is still not getting what they need to fix whatever medical problems you have.
You will be in my prayers

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Hello, I know what you are talking about. Aprox. 20 years ago, I was taking xanax, when I told my doctor I was ready to stop the drug. He told me how to taper off of it so their would be no withdrawl at all. Well he was right. I did exactly whet he told me to do and was fine. The same things goes for any type pf drug that is addicting. Pleas, please don't get off the drug without your doctors advice first. Be well

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Hi, you mean to tell me your doctor didn't tell you this is addictive? That's why we have to ask questions al the time to our doctors. If you don't need this anymore please call your doctor. He/she will tell you how to get of this medication without any withdrawl. I hate it when someone pops up on this site and tells everyone that it's hell to get off of this drug. They are so wrong, and I hope nobody listens to him. You need a caring doctor. If you don't feel that he will help you, all you have to do is call you pharmacist, they know more about this drug then most doctors. I hope your doing ok.

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I am done on this site. My best to you all, and remember if you go off of the benzo's you need to taper slow. It takes anywhere from 6 months to a year to get off of them. I will not be caught up in this!

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OK, I am done on this site. My best to you all, and remember if you go off of the benzo's you need to taper slow. It takes anywhere from 6 months to a year to get off of them. Good Luck every one, and be informed of what goes into your body! I will not be caught up in this!

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For the last tme, it doesn't take that long to get off of the klonopin! If one follows their doctors inetructions, it can take up to 3-4 weeks if you make sure at do what he tells you. You will be just fine. I know I have gone through this with xanax, and that is much more addictive! Don't let anyone scare you or tell you otherwise. I hate it when people come on here acting like they know it all. I have gone through this process. It can be done very easy, just follow your doctore advive. Gee now is that so hard? NO! If you have any question, just ask me, I am not a doctor, but my room mate is.
God Bless you all:)

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Your really crazy, you are not making any sense. You must be high to say something so mean! If you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything. One more thing, I am not addicted to drugs, if I were then I would be here seeking advice, so please get off this site, you really need help.
God be with you

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I am a victim of this drug and contrary to some thoughts it takes different times to withdrawl as per Each Case. Kindness is due those who are sympathetic, not those who wish to mock others. I have no malice, only empathy. Live in joy and stay on track at your pace.

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Could you post a suggested schedule to go off Klonopin 2 mgs daily. I have been on it for 6 weeks.
I take 1 in the a.m. and 1 at night. I am now down to a daily total of 1 1/2 mgs every other day. I am doing the a.m. one first then will work on the night one. Thank you for any help. Judy

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my niece is pregnant and trying not to take her klodopin but is very sick any advice?

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Have her call her doctor!

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well she has and the dr is not in today

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That is the preferred medical standard depending on your dosage and time. If you have no problem, go cold turkey, I never could. If you start to feel bad physically or mentally, immediately take one and figure out the best schedule for you and stick by it, if you can. The seizures and convulsions are for much higher doses on a regular basis, but it does help. Do whatever is best for you.

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@elizabeth mccormick, I read down and your niece wants to quit for a child's welfare. This is not an emergency and that is the way they will deal with it. So in the mean time, take a half a pill twice a day. Get sone generic over the counter benedryl to help you sleep prn h.s (as needed at hour of sleep. ) After 5 days cut out the the night dose and take 1/2 in the AM. and benedryl as needed (prn). If you can quit right away, but I'm not superman and can't. I know nothing about you except you take benzo's. Your in your first try to get off them as soon as possible, I would not want my baby addicted to benzodiaziapines, and it can cause cleft mouth. Be safe than sorry, quit them today, nothing will the drug will hurt you on that doasage other than slow addiction!

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I take 6mg Clonazepam a day for 15 years. It will stay in your system active for at least 48hrs. I take 2 mg 3 times a day.Clonazepam has a half life of 48 -100 hrs.

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I am being taken off clonezepam and I am afraid to do this cold turkey. I have a heart condition and I feel it will be to hard to do all at once. Doctor has given me a very small prescription of xanax but since I see that is an addictive drug also it seems a contradiction.

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