Withdrawal/ Detox


will there be hard withdrawals for someone who injects 1 8mg dilaudad daily for 4 months?

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It really depends on the person, there are likely some people that won't, but most people probably will experience some withdrawal effects.

Learn more Dilaudid details here.

The severity will also depend on the person and the way their body reacts to such. Medications and withdrawal effects are highly individualized.

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So honestly you might get sick but I inject my dilaudid all the time and usually blow through a g script of 90 on a week... But dilaudid withdrawal is really not that bad it only lasts like 72 hours and the symptoms peak 36 hours after your last dose. While they are intense symptoms it's really easy to get through with some Advil clonadine and Xanax. You will have the sweats and chills the shakes muscle cramping in arms and legs diarrhea nausea vomiting irritability insomnia and you know the routine. The insomnia may last for up to a week. Good luck getting through it. I hope this helped.

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