Witch Brand Is Safest Statin Medicine
Updatedsir, i have cholesterol problems
reference range - 237 around, and my hdl level is low around 30- 32
recently doc. advise to me take tonact 10.
but i am not starting
also i have ectopic changes. and thyroid problems
now i take thyronorm 100mg for thyroid problem
last two day b fore i have lot variations of my ecg.
so, doctor said this changes of ectopic may be overdose of elthroxin tab 100mg.(4 thyroid pro.)
stop the tab for 1 week then take 75 mg.
so i have lot of confusion what can i do?
the diiagonasing correct or not
please advice my doubts.
1 Reply
I'm sorry, but no one is going to be able to tell you whether or not your diagnosis is correct from just the limited information in a post on the Internet.
Doing such requires a doctor's exam, testing and knowledge of your medical history. Thus, in this case, you are really better served to follow your doctor's advice.
The doctor is correct in saying that having too much of the Thyroid hormone in your system could cause those types of problems and, when you are on these types of medications, it is normal to have to adjust the amount taken on occasion.
As to the Tonact, which contains Atorvastatin and other statin medications, there is really no way to say that one is any safer than another. They can all effect different people in different ways and the only way to see how they will work for you is to actually try it.
It may cause side effects, such as: nausea, dizziness, headache and joint/muscle aches.
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