Will Subutex Cause Miscarriage


I was on suboxone when i found out i was pregnant so they switched me to subutex but at 6wks 5 days i was told i had a large subchrionic hemerage behind my placenta and my babys sack and the babys heart was staying aroubd 100 instead of the normal 110 and higher. I went back at 8 weeks 5 days and they said my baby had no heart beat i was devastated! I got to reading my paper work and it said in it pregnancy complications due to subutex intake but they told me it was nothing i done. Im so confused did i kill my baby by taking the subutex this is killing me please help me!

3 Replies

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Hello, Kerry! How are you? I am so very sorry for your loss.

Subutex is the preferred medication for use during pregnancy, so no, most likely it was nothing you did. As a matter of fact, in many cases, one can only receive Subutex if they are pregnant, or have a proven, documented allergy to the Naloxone in Suboxone. The DEA has really cracked down on who can take it, and why they can take it, now. I'm not a doctor, but, they are the most knowledgeable person to listen to regarding such a matter.

At this point, I would say stop beating yourself up, and if you want a child, try again, if your doctor says it is safe for you to do so.

My mother miscarried a few months, before she became pregnant with me, and the doctor's said she'd never have another baby.......... yet, here I am! Surprise! Life and nature just kind of happen.

I wish I could hug you, it sounds like you could really use many.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so so much i was really upset about this and this makes me feel so much better. My husband and myself have decided to try again once our son turns 2 in July and I no everything happens for a reason so I'm trying my best to cope and move on but a loss is a loss no matter how you look at it. Thanks again *hugs*

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So. I was taking .75 suboxone film for a month an then tapered myself down to .50 for 5 days then .25 for 4 days an then .13 for 3 days an then boom. Well little did I know I was pregnant and I had a missed miscarriage at 8 weeks 5 days. Me stopping the suboxone I really feel in my heart made my fetus heart stop. I feel like once I was dealing with withdrawals an stuff. And went in for my first ultrasound and the baby stopped growing and didn’t have a heartbeat. I feel in my heart that’s what did it. I’m so upset. I wanted this baby more than anything

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