Will Ciprofloxacin Affect My Birth Control? (Page 2)
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I am taking a birth control pill, and I know that antibiotics can affect birth control, I have an UTI and was perscribed Ciprofloxacin, I'm afraid to take it, because I don't want to get pregnant.

36 Replies (2 Pages)

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I been on Ciprofloxacin for two days and I forgot and my hubby and I had sex.. Will Ciprofloxacin affect my Mirena? I only took three pills so far. -.-

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Actually according to a health web site I just looked at, Cipro is one antibiotic that will not mess up your birth control!

"Some antibiotics have been studied and shown not to affect the metabolism of OCPs. Ciprofloxcin (Cipro ) is one that does not seem to alter metabolism (6). Fluconazole (Diflucan ) does not decrease estrogen levels in pill users; if anything, it raises estrogen levels (7)."

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So my doctor prescribed me cipro for 7 days due to a possible bladder infection... When i started this i was at the end of my 2nd week of birth control pills entering the 3rd week... i am now done the antibiotics (as of 3 days ago) and in the 4th week(sugar pill)(3days in) ... my husband and i had unprotected sex and now we are worrying if their is a chance i could be pregnant ??

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Ashley- in response to your question- I also take tri sprintec: I was prescribed Cipro 250mg. I have been taking it the past 3 days. My doctor told me to use other means of contraception till i finish this months pack and then when I start my new pack (after the placebos) BC will be effective again.

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to tiffany: ^
macrobid is actually okay. i got prescribed that and the doctor specifically told me that he prefers prescribing macrobid over other medication because it doesnt interfere with the BC pills.

I also got ciprofloxacin because i turned out to be allergic to macrobid. i asked the pharmacist if it affects bc pills and he said it says nothing about that but i should be careful regardless...
now i'm looking to see what google doctor says!

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i recently was perscribed macrobid for a uti. It wasnt working enough and was given ciprofloxacin. I have been antibiotics for 15 days. My husband and I had unprotected sex many time in the middle of my cycle. Is pregnancy a possability?

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Actually according to a health web site I just looked at, Cipro is one antibiotic that will not mess up your birth control!

"Some antibiotics have been studied and shown not to affect the metabolism of OCPs. Ciprofloxcin (Cipro ®) is one that does not seem to alter metabolism (6). Fluconazole (Diflucan ®) does not decrease estrogen levels in pill users; if anything, it raises estrogen levels (7)."

Source http:/­/­www.wdxcyber.com/­ncontr10.htm

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i am currently taking micronor bc and i was sick so i had to take a antiobiotic actually two amoxicillan and levaquin and while i was on the amoxicillian my period came on and know its been a month later and my period is late is this a cause of concern

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I had an UTI and was given Cipro for 7 days. I took it the same weekI got my period. Do I have to use additional protection when starting the new pack?

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Hi - I also had a UTI last week and took antibiotics (Cipro) for 7 days. I just finished them and I started my period today as usual. I used a backup method while on the antibiotics, but will I need to continue to use a backup when I start my new pill pack (I take Tri Sprintec) Sunday? I have heard you don't need a backup once your new pack starts.

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Ciprofloxacin is one of the few antibiotics that actually inhibit liver enzyme effectiveness. Liver enzymes metabolize active drugs in your blood stream, inactivating them. Thus on cipro less liver enzymes are available to de-activate the estrogen in your OCP pill. So cipro is deemed safe, not to interfere with OCP effectiveness. All other antibiotics should be used with barrier contraception.

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My Gyno said to use precautions for the rest of the pill packet!

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I am currently on the pill, and have to take ciprofloxacina for a UTI. I have read that it affects the effectiveness of the pill, how long after you stop taking the antibiotics, will the pill be effective again??

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I've been on the pill for almost a whole cycle (only 3 active pills left) and I also got implanon inserted 6 days ago which is effective after 7 days. I have also used antibiotic eyedrops about 4 or 5 times since starting the pill (only a couple of drops each times I used it) Last night I had sex without a condom bt he withdrew before he ejaculated.. and I was wondering if I would have been protected or not since the eyedrops are antibiotic..
I'm a little worried.

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I am on deprovira birth control does this antibiotice effect it as well? If so what should I do if I took the antibiotice and had intercourse?

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Yes, it can. This is a common problem with all antibiotics. With a UTI though, you could end up with a much more serious infection, possibly fatal, if you don't take it.

You need to take the antibiotic and just use other precautionary birth control measures until you are done with your course of treatment.

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