Why The Use Of Ecosprin 75
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hello doctor my name is seema & I am 22 weeks pregnant. Dr said to have ecosprin 75 mg.as I had 1 miscarriage before.I have been taking this medicine from the first day of my conception as per doctor advise.1.I want to ask if there is any side effects & risk factor on this medicine.2.what time is best to have this medicine. 3. Is it safe to use the ecosprin-75mg drug till 34 weeks since doctor suggest's? 4. will the ecosprin 75mg tablet affect my baby's organs growth? 5. what would be the reason for this tablet prescribed to me for?

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My wife is 14 week pregnant and today my doctor suggested ecosprin 75mg till 36th weeks as PAPP-A low MoM <0.4 found.
1.I want to ask if there is any side effects & risk factor on this medicine. 2. Is it safe to use the ecosprin-75mg drug till 36 weeks since doctor suggest's? 3. will the ecosprin 75mg tablet affect my baby's organs growth?

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Hi doctor i am sahil khan i am 22 years old i am suffering from premeature ejuction can u please priscribe me that what medicens could i take.

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hello doctor, my name is lokendra. my wife is 23 now and before 2 months, she lost her fully matured baby inside the womb remaining 3 or 4 days to delivery date given by doctor, before this she had a miscarriage about 2 and half months baby. we consulted the doctor and the doctor conducted 2 tests
1) anti phospolipid IGG and the result of value is 5.7 less than 10
2) anti phospolipid IGM and the result of value is 9.7 less than 10
The Dr has given folic acid tablets IP 5 mg (aspirin delayed release tablets) and ecosprin-75 tablets for one month
what does these test mean? and is there any problem with my wife's future pregnancy?
Further the doctor told me that it will be easier to to diagnosis if my wife gets pregnant sooner,
please give me the best solution.

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Hi doctor...i m tarun i m 21 weeks pregnant... after ultrasound my doctor prescribed me to teke ecosprin 75 ... i want to know the use of this medicine

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