Why Miscarriage Happen Again And


why miscarriage happen again and again ,
i have face three miscarriage in a row now i am very scared ,kindly solve the problem

5 Replies

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Hello, Nazi! How are you? I am very sorry about your losses.

Only your doctor is going to be able to do some exams and blood work to give you an answer on why they've happened.

However, I can tell you that most miscarriages are caused by a lack of progesterone, women need to produce more of it, when they are pregnant and sometimes they don't.

How far along were your pregnancies?

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Dear verwon

First of all thanks for replay ,
In last two pregnancies i was already on progesterone but inspite on this miscarriage happen , my dr doctor said 50% miscarriages have no reason
All ways he done TVS (ultrasound) . i visited so many doctor but cant find the soulation . I am afraid bcz i used lots of contraceptive pill (ECP ) may be its effect
but am not sure , Kindly help me


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Dear Dr Verwon,

I consult a Gynecologist. She Advice me for test Anti-Cardio -,Lipids Antiphospholipid antibodies (2) Torch Profile -IGG & IMG to find out the miscarriage cause. (i faced three time miscarriage in a row in eight week pregnancy) My Test reports shows 3 test are positive 1-- ( TOXOPLASA (IgG-0.540) 2--(RUBELLA(IgG....2.247 3-(CYOMEGALO VIRUS (IgG-2.143
Kindly advise me for medication i am mentally very stressed plz plz plz replay


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My mother was affected with a simlar problem, have your doctor check your cervix to make sure t stong enough to hold the baby, If not beginning th second trimester youll need to get tied up, Hope this helps.

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Dear KJSdestiny,

thanks for sharing , But sitll i have no baby, pray for me

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