Why Did Methadone Not Show Up In Urine Test (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I am very concerned. My Dr. started me on methadone at 5 mg 2x per day. 4 days later I had a urine test and the methadone did not show up. now my Dr. is concerned that I am not following treatment and I have been following it as I was told to. does anyone have have any idea as to why methadone would not show up in a pee test?

74 Replies (4 Pages)

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Methadone is stored in fat cells unlike most short acting opiates. Drug test test for metabolites and methadone has a 72 hour half life for metabolites to even start being excreted in urine. I believe it just hasn't starting getting excreted through your system because it is still in your system if you get what in trying to say

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I also take 5 mg twice a day. I just got tested & it came up negative. They asked me y it showed negative & I have no idea y. I do drink 200 oz of water a day idk if that had something to do with it but the oxycodone showed positive. The doc said she doesn't know y it happens but she seen it happen b4.

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Methadone clinics take away take homes for methadone not showing up, even if you have metabolites

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I have been on methadone gor a while 40 mg a day. Last month i had a blood drug test. It showed no methadone at sll in my blood. How could that be

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Hi there. I need some answers!! I have been on a methadone program now for roughly close to a year. I get urine tested once a month. They are supervised urine tests also. I missed my urine test yesterday due to having nobody at my daughter's school to pick her up, I tried contacting the office of my methadone doctor but I kept getting the answering machine. I then left a message as to why I wasn't going to be able to make it & if they could call me back to let me know what I should do. I spoke to their office today & I was told to be there no later than 1 pm. While at the clinic, I did my urine test. There was only me, & the secretary there at the time & like I said before, the tests are supervised. I passed her the urine test while I was still on the toilet. I wasn't even done peeing yet & she passes me another testing cup & says she needs me to pee again, which there was no way I was going to be able to do at the time. I asked why & she said that the test was showing all negative. I couldn't understand why that was because like I said, I'm on 50mg of methadone & I'm also on Vyvanse. I had to wait around the office for another almost 2 hours to try & pee again for another test. So, then the next urine test showed the methadone & the Vyvanse this time but now the secretary says from her experience with this happening means the first urine test wasn't my pee. I couldn't believe what she was even saying!! How is this possible?! I honestly did both urine tests & they were an hour apart. The doctor wants me to have an explanation at my next appointment but what am I suppose to tell her? Am I suppose to lie & say that it was someone else's urine when it wasn't? Or do I tell her the truth about it was mine & take the chance of being kicked off the program?! I need help!!!

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The Dr. said that she did test for it a couple of times. I am wondering if it could be other medications or vitamins or something.

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I had an issue like this..what happened to me was it was storing in my bladder and kidney and not releaseing..i started drinking a bottle of tea as it helps flush your tract..i have been fine since...also if your read up on methadone it takes up to two weeks to get at level of 30 that where 5 mg twice a day should register..good luck..methadone is trickie and if you dont take it...it will tell on you.

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Dot drug screens are 5 panel urine only. It doesn't matter what state or city you live in because it is a federally regulated test. And no, methadone will not show up on a 5 panel Dot drug screen, its synthetic. 9 panel or higher, then you will pop hot for dones because it is one of the drugs specifically checked for.

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go to google search bar and type in why doesn`t methadone show up in a urine test?
you will get lots of answers, hope you find one that helps you.

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methadone will not show up on a five panel testing kit , but on a 10 panel it will

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I have been drug tested 3 times and no methadone does not show up. They are only looking for marijuana, cocaine, heroin and perk pain pills.

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took a at home drug test and I test possitive for metadone but have never taken it?

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No. It has to pass through your system. They are looking for metabolites.

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took 5 mg nigt before test. 19 hrs later took urine test. will the level be low enough to pass the 300ng/ml level. I have a fast system.

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