Why Can't I Get Teva Generic Adderall Anywhere
UpdatedI've been unable to obtain my script anywhere since mid to late 2014! I've tried the other generics (the pink ones and also a lighter orange colored one for 20mg pills) and I get massive headaches from them so I refuse to take them after numerous attempts. But damnitt, I'm tired of not being able to get anything accomlished anymore!! I hate feeling like my head is all foggy and unable to accomplish anything it seems!! I've tried by sense and they are worthless to me as well!!! I've contacted Teva directly and they still produce what I'm looking for but why can't any of the pharmacies get what I need anymore???? And I look on the Internet and nothing recent seems to have any articles written on this!!! Is our gov't hiding this recent shortage from leaking out into the press or wtf is really going on?? I am referring to the adderall generic 20mg orange pill that is manufactured by Teva pharma.!! Somebody please help me resolve this issue that's become an even bigger issue in my life!!!!
2 Replies
It has nothing to do with a shortage, or anything.
Whatever generic that any given pharmacy has in stock will vary depending on what company was offering the cheapest price through their supplier, at the time they needed to restock their supply.
Thus, if Teva's price is higher than the others, then a pharmacy won't order the Teva product.
The FDA lists Adderall as a stimulant that is most commonly used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It carries the risk of being habit forming and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, anorexia, nervousness, insomnia, mood swings and weight loss.
Have you tried the name brand? If you insurance will cover it, you could try asking your doctor to prescribe it for only the name brand, so you'd avoid this problem occurring, again.
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I've also found that the Teva Adderall is becoming harder to find at big box pharmacies increasingly, bc as someone already said, those companies work with wholesalers who discount one generic brand to provide a good profit margin & raise the price of all the other generic options based upon the wholesaler's inventory of the lowest price brands for them to procure for neighborhood pharmacies- so despite 2 generics being chemically identical, going to a big box pharmacy, 1 generic will cost a small copay, while other brands are extremely expensive, even if they're chemically the same but you prefer a different brand. I've taken Adderall (generic) for years and there are certainly differences in the efficacy of the different brands/mixes- some have been horrible quality to be sure (Corp) & others really good as far as the results (Sandox, Teva). As the medical world turns increasingly digital however, many health insurance plans offer medication by mail with a partner mail pharmacy- the advantage of this is that these companies (I use OptumRx) are wholesalers themselves (or are just as big in scope), so not only do you usually get better generic brands at better prices than the big box stores, but unlike your typical local big box pharmacy, you're able to request certain brands via the prescribing doctor without causing a delay for them to order the medication, nor having to pay a much higher price for them compared with doing the same at the big box stores. Since switching to the web-based pharmacy, I've had mostly Teva generics, which are widely known to be good quality- however, I am able to review all available inventory of all brands & their prices so I can either select them myself or request my doctor do so. Given I'm on several medications which are generics now, I've found the web-based pharmacy to be a good solution to get high quality medicine at good prices, with reliable delivery time. My particular one also offers the brand name of any generic medicine which is still offered by the original company should you wish to pay more money- just ask your doctor to issue the scripts "dispense as written" & you'll be able to get the brand name if it's still on the market. Because of the scope of these web-based/mail service pharmacies, I've found they have much better quality generic options for much less money than at the neighborhood stores & you don't need to be waiting for days, low on meds as they try to order inventory of whatever cheapest generic they can find. So I'd recommend that route if it's available to you.
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