Why Buscopan Is Given To Pregnant Women Before Giving Birth
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i want to know why buscopan is given to to pregnant woman before giving birth?
Hi im jean buscopan is really effective for inducing or laboring ?
How evening primerose and hyosin buscopan acts with pregnant?
Re: uzoma (# 20)
How many buscopan I can take in one day? I am 38 weeks pregnant and my midwife said it can help me
Is buscopan safe for 8 months pregnance and what is it good for?
Buscopan is safe for the pregnant woman who is at least 36 weeks pregnant. It helps with cervix ripening and dilatation. In a study done with 97 pregnant women who entered into spontaneous labour, the group who were given buscopan had a short first stage of labour.
why buscopan is given to pregnant women prior to delivery?
Buccopan relaxes smooth muscles. It also helps to dilate the cervical os. In latent labour this inj. 20mg works very fast. It's not safe to use in pregnancy though as it can cause a miscarriage.
i am 9 months pregnant going to my due date, my mid wife advise me to take buscopan tablet. it is safe for me and my baby. secondly what is the benefit.
Hallo...Am x ad am pregnant 3 months am in a very bad condition of vomiting, and abdominal pain but vomiting is worse I visited my doctor ad gave me pregsmile ad buscopan i take ad get well after 3 weeks it get finished the same problems now is back what am I supported to do plz help
My pregnancy is hiding, but the symptoms says it all.. So i went to the doctor and was given buscopan..how will it help me..
just before asking by u that is your doctor given right teatment of buscopan ...i want to say some thing...the doctor is who....who spoiled his 5--6 yr of golden period life only to study for the patient that what is good for patient n what is the better way to treat the patient...n we r thiking that did he given rt Rx or not...? so suprprise....first of all u should be faith with ur dr
...who knows more n more than u....he /she spend most of the part of his/her life only..for us....so plz its my request nothing to think n blam the dr..
Hi! I'm 6 weeks 3 days pregnant and I have a urinary tract infection..I been prescribed buscopan tablets 3times a day for my stomach pains, ciprofloxacin 500mgs twice a day..my uti is bad was told by my gynaecologist..I'm wondering if it is dangerous to use these two drugs? I know buscopan is a category B2 drug and ciprofloxacin is B2 also..though please advice if I should discontinue
Metronidazole,dicycloverine,buscopan,chlorampenicol and ciprofloxacin are safe for pregnant mom?
Im on my first month of my pregnancy and i started to feel back pain and when to ER the doctor advised to give me Buscopan injection iv diluted in 500 normal saline...is it safe to my baby inside my womb?
Im 39 weeks pregnant and im on my due date
and my baby is still inside of me. my mid-wife
told me to drink Buscopan & evening primerose oil, is it true? It will not
harm my baby? or even me? tnx
from period date and of the period, what we did when it happen actually the time we keep remember and calculated to due date. everything going normal up to the last day and end of the time started pain slowly slowly coming more and more, withing 05hr delivery door was open only 06cm, and start getting more pain. the Doctor gave me Buscopan injection say will relieve the pain. what happen after one n half hr start bleeding few minutes later, the baby pose in said start coming out. that it become emergency situation and necessary to make caesarian that's why I have doubt and question.
Hi I am 22 weeks pregnant and having stomach pain too much cramps. Can I use buscopan. 6 month before my pregnancy when I had like this pain doctor gave me buscopan inj.. Plz help..
hi!....i m X...i have doubt on whther used buscopan to mother during intranatal period... thank you...
Buscopen can I be pregnant.
how is buscopan and evening primrose oil useful for the blighted ovum?
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