Why Are These Alprazolam 3722 Bars Not Breaking On The Lines (Top voted first)


I live in brooklyn ny...bought some 2mg 3722 bars that seem to crumble easily and WILL NOT break on the lines. They also taste less bitter and a bit like soap.

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Someone told me that they're expired...that's why they are soft and breaking wrong. Is that possible? I don't want to take unknown drugs these bars could be made from as I'm on lots of other meds. Please help.

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No, the way some pills are made, and the ingredients used just cause some to be softer, and more crumbly than others. It happens frequently with a medication I take every day, and I know they aren't expired.

It is really better to cut them along the line, rather than just trying to break them, to get a more accurate dosage. Pill cutters work quick, and easy for doing so.

I can't speak on the taste, since I've never taken this medication.

The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, irritability, and other mood changes.

Is anyone familiar with these tablets?

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