Why Are Small Mom And Pop Pharmacies Not Carrying Zubsolv (Top voted first)


i live in south east north Carolina , small mom and pop pharmacies not getting Zubsolv in my state. wallgreens and cvs get it ? it cost 80$ for 2 weeks worth with insurance .. outher pharmacies dont seem to carry it?? some did carry it but they stopped for some reason dose anyone now why this is so?? please let me know what are your experiancies ....?????? the pharm wont tell me why they stopped stocking the medicine and dont plan on getting it ? even Walmart!!! anyone know whats up??

3 Replies

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Hello, Madri! How are you? I am sorry about the problem you've experienced.

My best guess is that it has to do with their DEA allotments. The DEA sets certain allotted amounts of all controlled substances for each years manufacturing facilities, following that, these amounts are split further between pharmacies, they all have a certain amount of each controlled substance that they are allowed to order and keep in stock each month, the amount is based on the pharmacy size and their customer base, so small mom&pop places will not have as much in stock as a large chain store. Once they run out, they cannot replenish the supply, until the following month, which causes many of them to restrict their customer base to only regular customers, or those who live within a certain radius of the store.

Late last year, the DEA decided to further reduce the yearly amounts that were allowed to be manufactured, which means the supply to pharmacies was also reduced.

I understand this doesn't help you, I am just explaining why this happens.

Has anyone else in that area experienced a problem recently? I don't live there, nor do I take any controlled substances regularly, so I can't really speak about the issue.

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Subsol they are not worth taking. the price where i live is the same as the film. 8/2

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