White Ww D10 Valium (Page 2)
UpdatedI have tried every type out there, but the ones that have the ww d10 and are white are the real deal. Even after stopping right away I got the expected withdraw affects. But I also think the strength is stronger and maybe has something else in them so be careful. Same as the yellow ones that just have a score line and a 5 one other side. When I took a drug panel at the docs vallium/diazepaim was in my system. But be careful out there! Too many fakes, and just because there in a box with the label dont mean a thing!
What's wrong with some of you people giving out false Pharmacy details you're insane. People don't listen to some of these people saying you can take this and you can take that with this. Call your doctor or call your dealer.. Or call an ambulance call Ghostbusters call someone. Get help it could save your life.
I'm not meaning to be mean at all I'm just saying you need to seek help don't be listening to a lot of these people that have absolutely no clue what they're talking about........ PLEASE!!!
Re: Uptown Girl (# 21)
Most are lost in their addictions, the decisions they make while either under the influence or in withdrawals lack personal responsibility, show hopelessness and despair
You're spot on bro. If o get my usual 25 tablets for £10 I find it hard to get back to normal sleeping pattern after just few refills of the white D10 and WW on back. Yet the ones with a W that overlaps another, I'm up all night unable to sleep. I've had real bad insomnia for years but GPs think you just want to get messed up but far from truth. But I find myself taking 10 so I know I'm getting sleep so just as well.
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