White Round X On One Side Numbers 224 3850 2 On The Other Side..
Updatedwhite round x on one side numbers 224 3850 2 on the other side. Found in child's stuff. What is this? Please help
4 Replies
Hello, Accountant! How are you?
I'm not sure which one it is, so I can't rattle off the specific ingredients, but the 224 3850 is used on the Stacker products that are sold over the counter for energy and weight loss.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I know which one it is. I use them from time to time and have a packet right now. It is indeed from the makers of stacked. It is called Rapid Action Energize-2. It's mainly the caffeine that gives you the boost. The rest is mostly things like types of nuts, seeds, herbs, and leaves like green tea. It also has things like calcium, sodium, magnesium and things of the like. I hope you didn't badly punish your kid over it though. I had energy problems ever since I was 12 and had to take caffeine related products just to get through school and then I would sleep all day after getting home. As long as he is using them responsibly I personally would be okay with my kids taking energizing pills but under my supervision. They can have them in their system at school but I must be the one to give them the pill to make sure they don't over do it since some energizing like can still be harmful if to much is taken. This type warns you not to take more than 2 in a 24 hour period. I'm use to products like these because over the years i just got adjusted to them so I take more than recommended on the days I really feel I need something. I wouldn't personally give my child anything like this until they were 16. You do have to be18 to buy it. I get carded every time. Don't go by what I said I would personally do though of course. You are their parent so of course the choice is yours. If your child has an energy problem, I suggest taking them to the doctor to try and find out what may be wrong. I still have issues. Of course they became worse as I had kids but its hard to get through any day for me unless I have something for it. I wish I wasn't so dependant on things to get my energy going just so I'm able to play with my kids. Doctors could never find out what was wrong with me. They always had me on different things for my thyroid but nothing worked. I haven't been to a doctor in many many years over this problem but I'm sure medicine has changed since I've been there for this. Then again, maybe your kid just had a big test to study for or something else big they had to do so they took energy pills as a one time thing to just get through it.
An adolescent should NOT.. I REPEAT NOT take lyv Energy pills.Long term use could damage a young underdeveloped Heart...I dont Like to resort to name calling but you lack common sense and should be arrested for child abuse!
It could be worse. All you found is an energy pill that's sold in stores. At least it wasn't adderall or something worst. At least he's not using narcotics to help him study. It's no different than drinking a 5-hour energy shot. And yes, they are called rapid energy. They're $2 and sold in most gas stations, also not all states make you be 18 to buy them.
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