White Round Tablet Du Printed One Side And A Score On The Other
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This came along with 10mg oxazepam but I am afraid to take them as they are the same size but very different shape and markings. It's bi-convex and has a slight 'waxy' outer layer, eg. Not crumbly.

Would be very helpful to know if I can use these...

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Yes, thank you David!

It was mistaken for the Seresta 10mgs as they were a similar size I imagine. Sadly I have now run out.. no sleep for the wicked!

Thanks again

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A white round pill marked with "DU" on one side and blank on the other is identified as Citalopram (20mg). This is an antidepressant drug of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class.

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Citalopram Details

Were you already able to determine that the other pill was in fact oxazepam?

I hope this helps!

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