White Rectangle Pill W/o Words Or Numbers (Top voted first)


It was found in a zip lock bag with a Harley Davidson emblem on clear bag. The bag is the size of your thumb. Five white rectangular pills with rounded edges and four deep score marks or indentations and two tabs were cut or broke off the pill. No marking of any form. Police was not familiar with. Found them in my store today. Please hrlp.

3 Replies

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More likely Xanax, I'm not 100% certain because I cannot see them myself but if I had to guess I'd be willing to bet Xanax. That fits the description and is a common misued drug.

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I'd love to hrip you Denny if I only knew how. However you are to be commended for calling the police. What a hero! Those four little pills could have ruined lives. Keep up the good work. Perhaps you could get a job with the DEA someday.

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Re: Pill Lover (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I need all the hrlp I can get these days too! The Harley Davidson baggie as Gabriella pointed out could be an important clue, although she could not be 100% certain as she could not see them herself, adorable!

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