White Oblong Pill With A Cursive V On One Side And 3596 On The Other (Top voted first)


White pill with a cursive V on one side and 3596 on the other side

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Rnadolf's ID is correct.

This is a generic for Vicodin ES.

The Hydrocodone is a very potent narcotic, so it can be addictive.

Most common side effects include dry mouth, constipation and drowsiness.

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wat is it used 4 ? my gf hid it

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Hydrocodone 7.5mg and Acetaminophen 750 mg.

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i found a big long whitish tablet with A C marked on it was cut in half brown inside can u tell me wat it is pls thanks

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this tablet i found marked A C whitish brown inside that my gf hid was cut in half wat wud it be used 4 ? side affects

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