White Oblong Pill No Imprint It Just Has A Deep Score And Is Pretty Thick
Updatedthis pill is very smooth on one side and has a deep score on the other side one looks like a lite pink or peach, someone told me it was for pain, but i would like alittle more information about it before i took it, i have a very bad back and they said this would help with the pain, please let me know what these pill are
2 Replies
Hello, Pandora! How are you?
Are there any markings on it, other than the score line? If not, then it's most likely an over the counter product of some type, so it may be difficult to narrow down and identification.
However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you.
Does anyone else have an idea of what this might be?
This is Percocet 10 mg. It is a sample medication that is given to doctors offices, not for resale! Hope this has helped!
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