White Oblong Pill 176 On One Side Scored On The Other (Page 4)
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Was told that it was a generic hydrocodone 10/325 - any ideas as to who makes it?

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They are generic Norco 10/325 --- been on the yellow V 3601 for 6 years about 4 to 5 a day and just got these new White ones and they seem a lot stronger than the yellows --- I can tell when I first get them I take 2 --- within 30 minutes My nose starts itching and I feel really good --- these white ones with 176 on them ROCK --- I am telling you people they ROCK !!!

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I got sick too. The white Caracos suck. I finally went cold turkey over the past few weeks. They got their way. Squeezed me out. I'm taking Tramadol. But hope to be done for good. What a nightmare.

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ju st got a pres.10/325 Norco at target always before they had guiltiest I walk out with caraco pharm. been on Norco for ten years. I have never been so sick its like going though withdraws never get CARACOS target didn't care tried to tell me its n your head .

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I went to Target Pharmacy in SoCal to fill my Norco 10/325 as usual and was told that they no longer carry the Qualitest yellow brand. They gave me the white pill marked with 176 instead. These suck. Where do I get my prescription filled for the yellows now? Awful pharmaceutical conpanies messing with the formulas. I hate it. Having my scripts filled is altogether a huge process as the pharmacies won't tell you they have this medicine in stock over the phone. I was told that I'm going to called out by the DEA if I continue to have my scripts filled at various Target stores. How stupid!! Wtf does that mean??

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the /325 in the 10/325 they mentioned is Tylenol Acetaminophen

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The biggest reason, imho, our people are in the shape we are in is due to so many smart people or respected people, passing along info that is inaccurate. It isn't caused by deception as much as the unwillingness to research EVERY word. GENERIC MEDICATIONS ARE ALLOWED 'BY LAW' TO CONTAIN UP TO 20% LESS ACTIVE INGREDIENT PER PILL THAN NAME BRAND. The binder and filler or buffer is something I didn't consider till now. I hope to piss off enough people that some will research on their own. And pass around more accurate info. Here is one more tid bit. 100% or "pure" by federal mandate means 51% active ingredient. Now, I dare anyone with the stones to disprove this info. By disprove, well any research is better than none.

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10 325 narco is generic perkeset not vicoden its 10mg of oxycodone and 325 mg of tylonol ... Its not the same as vicoden and generic versions do have a tendency of being a little weaker .. U get what u pay for sometimes cheaper isn't better... If ur used to vicoden and u take a narco or perkiset although similar is not same and does make some people sick who aren't use to the oxy oxy is much stronger and made differently then vicoden.. Hope this clears up some of the confusion

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Well I've been on hydrocodone pills for about 10 yrs now. Taking anything like 7.5 and 10s, these days I'm taking at least 15-20 a day when I can, depends how much pain I'm in. I wish I could try to take a couple weeks or even a month off from taking them so I could lower my tolerance. But I'm afraid I can't, not only I'll be in so much pain, I would be s***ting all over myself from being off of them that second or third day. My stomach stayed messed up for 2 and a half weeks every single day until I couldn't take it anymore. My ass was burning, everything I've ate went straight through me. I had to be sitting on the toilet while I eat.... to hell with that. Poops blocks pain, but it also blocks the signal for your bowel movement and slows everything down, opioids will have you constipated, if you takem every day, your gonna be s***ting bricks until you get off them for awhile. But it's very hard to do when you're in pain, it sucks. Well that's my true story, maybe some of y'all are going through the same as I am. Thanks for reading lol.

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Caraco has moved its USA plant to India --its compounding is not a sure as most and causes severe side effects when I use them --skin problems --stomach problems and head problems --Be careful with this medication-they have changed tha copounding with impure fillers ==
unhappy hydrouser

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I have to agree. Our body builds up a tolerance for the pain medicine (Norco) and after a period of time our body aches and pains start telling our brain that we need more pain meds and we start thinking that the dosage is too low or the Norco generic is bogus. I think a lot of it is a psychological thing and if we put blinders over our eyes it'd be hard to tell the difference. Just go a few days on half your regular dosage then go back and take your regular scheduled dosage and you should tell the difference. Now those Hyslinga 40 mg (Hydrocodone Extended Release) are what I refer to as crappy. I take them and in a 24 hour period it's only releasing 1.66667mg of Norco, not enough to know you have taken any pain medication. A 800mg Ibuprofen does more for pain than those Hyslinga 40mg do, in my opinion.

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Somedays my body doesn't react like others and the pill makes my pain worst. I though maybe raining vs dry, but no just plain and simple, your body after long term just doesn't get that edge. I spoke with some people that abuse it and they said it's your body asking for more. Well don't go there and get off these thing ASAP. If you're ever in a say "wreck" and was hurt bad, they can't do anything for your pain. Anestia and Morphine is like water to your system.

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Agree 100% I also get tired of hearing its that exact same thing! The main ingredients fine but the secondary no and YES that makes a difference in how your system reacts. When a person has been taking the same med everyday for years they begin to know the difference amongst different manufacturers. Not just in pain pills but all meds taken routinely. Its only common sense!

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I agree with Lori they do not work the same and it is not just in my head , I have to take more of the white ones then the yellow ones .
I have been on this medicine for back pain for several years to and I know the difference.

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I just got some of the 176 hydro/acep for tooth pain. I've taken these in the past for degenerated disc dis. herniated and bulging discs. I've increased to stronger meds but these hydro/acep don't do much for the tooth pain but seems TO BE GIVING ME HEADACHES. this never happened before with the other brands.

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Yes different brands do effect people different! And if you've had a certain kind like the yellow Watson tens and are now getting the ip's because they no longer make them or just not in your area they are not the same different companies make them different ways and do effect some people different because they are a different company and make them with different ingredients so there for they effect you differently so anybody who says they are the same they have no clue. Cause nobody really knows what else is in them except the manufacturer and really they can say what they want but obviously we know the main ingredients tylonal opioids weather it be vicodin or Percocet. So for those of you who know what works for you and what doesn't and what upsets your stomach or whatever the case may be it's because all pills vary from manufacturers. So don't let anybody tell you there the same cause there not

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No your wrong its not all in there heads I don't like the white 176 I don't sleep very good anymore and I'm hurting way to much and I did talk to a pharm.that told me not every one gets the same results and if the white ones are not working then stay with the yellow ones I got mine at wal mart and yes they have changed the white watsons are no good people are getting sick from them and no pain relief so don't let nobudy tell you and different

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I have been getting M367 for years. They are 10/325 and they work. I got some 176 for the first time ever and they are pure garbage.

How do these drug companies get to stay in business when they are knowingly selling placebos.

These 176 don't have a stich of hydrocodone in em.

These are made by caraco pharmaceutical. Pure Garbage

Norco 539 (10/325) Hydrocodone are made by Watson out of Parsipanny NJ. They work.

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No, they are completely different manufacturers.

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I've been taking pain pills since 2005, fractured neck, spine, arthritis, total right knee, and right side paralysis. I'm a disabled veteran. The 10 mg of hydrcodone may be the same but the coating of the pill is different and does make a difference. The yellow norco's are stronger due to the coating that enhances the drug. I got the 176 pill and it sucks! Doesn't absorb well and I believe it's cheaply made. I would rather pay the difference in getting non generic meds than generics, at least for peace of mind. Generics you never know what cheap added substance they're combing it with the hydrocodone.

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You are correct, not all generics are equal.

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