White Ethex Pill Metoprolol Er 25mg Picture Of Tablet
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white scored tablet with number 293 on back of tablet

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My prescription pills look as you described with M on on side and triangle on the other. However, the label does NOT say metroprolol succinate, only metroprolol er 25 mg. Is there a difference???

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Elongated white pill indented on both sides.pill aprox. 15/16 inch long,on leftside with triangle , and letter M on right side as you face the pill laying flat on table, 25mg.Pill name METOPROLOL SUCC ER 25mg TAB NDC: 62037-0830-01

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Due to copyright reasons, I cannot post an image, however, I can confirm for you that this is Toprol XL 25mgs.

This is used for several diseases of the cardovascular system, including high blood pressure.

Some of the most common side effects are dizziness, drowsiness and trouble sleeping.


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