White Cross Energy Pills (Page 6) (Top voted first)


smaller than an asprin and makes you want to get up and go, fast

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I m working two jobs and have no energy

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Hello, I would like the link as well please, have been looking forever well since 85. No I am not 72 or anywhere near it. thanks.

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I never liked those things, having been a meth user in the late 60's early 70's the Black Beauties and White Crosses did nothing but make me feel agitated and somewhat energized, not anything close to focus or euphoria. I don't even know why I am in the page, like you but a bit older, I'm 61 and clean & sober 24 years (Class of 1991). I must be honest and say that I do miss the euphoria of the real stuff preceeding WC's and BB; , and always being thin. and lots of energy, but that's because I stopped going to meetings, no other answer to my question. But I also got fat and I'm trying to figure out what to do, I'm disabled now and can't move around and work out etc. like I had in younger years. .

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I missed that post about the mother/daughter, it is sad. In the 60's it was quite common, but then in those days our mothers and grandmothers and we'd all go to the diet doctor's to loose weight (Mother's Little Helpers, by the Rolling Stones) and in the 50's they helped our mother's get the housework done. But lots of things were legal back then - no one knew. Now we know. You'd think with the whole opioid crisis that parents would have a better grip - but addicted parents have a disease and it's sad because they know not what they do. AA and NA are open to everyone. So is OA and Weight Watchers, there is help out there folks, there is also medically suppported gastirc bypass surgery & wieight loss clinics for those who need extra help w/ morbid obesity that will kill you sooner than later- telling someone to stop eating so much and to move around is very hurtful and dangerously harmful if you don't know their circumstances. Desperate people *will* do desperate things, you are absolutely correct. I hear it every time I go to a meeting. Just celebrated 25 years and it isn't getting any better "out there" , it's a sad world we live in,there is so much pain in the heart and soul - people are self-medicating more than ever and arent' 't always use drugs for the reasons they say ...Mine started out with wanting to be skinny (at 12) but I found out I was treating depression from abuse which became PTST as an adult. AA saved my life.

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I was trying n my teens in 1970 so I know exactly what they are. Pure caffeine, we really thought we had something back in those days but now it's in every energy drink. White Crosses lol

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Re: crazyredneck (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Yes do that because it'll give you lots of energy,....NOT! WTH kinda stupid comment is this,...damn

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Has anyone had any luck finding the original white cross top pills? I really want to find some. They helped me have energy and lose some weight.

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I would like to know if you can buy these white crosses over the counter, also maybe order them from Mexico?

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Yes i took white crosses when i was younger my daughter is about 100 pounds over weight. Thought they would help her.

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Does anyone have a website they can give me to find some? I am very tired of this extra 60 lbs that I gained from hormones.

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I would like the link as well. I can't figure out why they keep discontinuing things in the us to keep us obese. Don't make no sense to me.

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I would like to know how to order the old white cross pills for energy (speed) on line

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U know the only time I had a white cross was t-in the military service. Around 1974. I remember it made me feel sooo good. another comrade gave it to me. I wish I knew where to get some.

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Didn't Robin's eggs become Phentermine? My Phentermine is light bluish with speckles, is why I was led to that. A robin egg or pink heart in the morning to go to work, and a quaalude at night to sleep; repeat.

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I am in los angeles- how would people go about this?

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Hello Mike my name is Faye. I sure would love to have the address for the white cross or white pill.

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Can you tell me if the cross top pills are still being made available?

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Hell, I don't want to become an addict, never heard of speckled eggs, white beauties or some of the others. Mine was just prescribed to me to lose weight and have some energy to keep up with my life as a mother. Now I need to lose about 10 pounds and at 72, living alone with all the mens work to do as I have done all my life due to lazy ass husbands and a drunk father. I also need a little pick me up because in 2004, I lost my dear mom, in 1983 my brother blew his brains out and I cleaned it up, in 2005 the hospital here in Naples FL where my son worked was overrun with MRSA, my son contracted it there, he got a fever of 106+, it took them 5 weeks to diagnose him, (at the same hospital) his brain burned up with the fever, he spent the next 6 years in a mental hospital 350 miles away from home near Jacksonville, I went to see him every 2 weeks, he suffered 4 major injuries there in the last 2 years. One, he was attacked by abnother patient and spent the rest of his life in a wheel chair, two, he was attacked by a patient and round housed kicked in the head fracturing a vertabra in his neck and rendering him unresponsive for hours. Three, he was not watched and he fell out of his wheel chair and broke his nose. Four, he again was not watched and he fell out of his chair and it killed him.

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What? Really, LOL, what roadside convenience stores? Where? I used the pink hearts, cross tops, N beauties in the 1980s. And my friend and I would like to get us some N see if we can lose this middle aged muffin top...

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I want to see if I could get this pills I believe it,s energy
It's small white diet pills

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