Where To Find Help For False/negative Testing (Top voted first)


everyone posts their problems, yet there are no solutions given. what help is there available for those of us who are facing slandered by drs and incorrect drug test?

2 Replies

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YES I agree, I am going through so many similar issues and thought I was alone in this, but how do we resolve it and prove to our doctors that the test is incorrect? It is such an awful feeling because they will always go by what the test shows over my word and that is because there is so much abuse out there and everyone is afraid so we all have to suffer even us ligitament patients. It sucks to look like an abuser and dealer when u r far from it. I want to take another test, not urine since its so inaccurate. Doctors should not use that. Blood or hair the truest test.

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Im hearing more and more of patients being falsely accused of this I am one of those people!!Someone told me that thats how they cut down on their patient load or they flat out don't like you.But its very irritating my doctor just let me go so I understand they make you look bad!!

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