Where Do I Find Help For Pain Medication That Works Like Oxycodone Seems To Be The Only Relief But Don T Want To Sound Like A Drug Addict But I Ran


My name is Kendra. I am a 25yr old single mother. I have been suffering from chronic back pain from the age of 17yrs old, before that had scoliosis since the age of 8. Basically I started at the wrong chiropractor. He just started a business and trying to make money. In the long run he was supposed to treat me for slight scoliosis but treated for severe. So the end result made my back worse. After the age of 16 my back started to slowly get worse. By 18 I couldn't even walk into the acupuncture (hoping for different result and help). Eventually I learned that I most likely would have to just deal with the pain because nothing was helping. I then had my son at the age of 21. With the movement of my hips unfortunately my back got even worse. I can't do the things a 25yr old should normally be able to do. I can't pick up my son, I can't bend over to pick something up unless I have something to bring myself back up or crawl up my legs and push myself up, I can't run. So I then tried my last hope with physical therapy. I couldn't even do the proper movements without taking multiple pain relievers. I could take 6 Tylenol and it wouldn't give any relief. I need something stronger but don't know how to ask a doctor without sounding like the people in my generation that have ruined it for the people like me that actually need it and don't want to sound like a drug user. But I'm all out of options. I need help to get through everyday. I wake up every morning in pain, go through the day in pain and go to sleep in pain. I want to do things with my son. No matter if it's walking/sitting/laying my back kills me. I've tried everything, I just want to live my life! What do I do? Or who do I see? Waukesha,wi

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Hello, Kendra! How are you doing? I am so very sorry that you're in so much pain.

Have you considered having the surgery done for it? In most cases, where someone is an adult and isn't in pain, I'd not even suggest it, but with your condition, having the surgery with the rods put in to straighten your spine might be the best idea for you.

Do you currently have a PCP that you see regularly? If so, I think you should see them and explain the issue openly and honestly. They can then refer you to the appropriate people to have things checked out and see what your treatment options are currently. They can also help you find pain relief, in the meantime.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area?

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Too bad your not here in Santa Rosa, Ca. I experience chronic pain from old injuries from car accident in 1981. I have had both kneez replaced and both hips. I'm also HIV + and those meds kinda wipe you out. I started with this pain Dr about 5 years ago, I was on Morphein and percocet, he upped me to Oxy without my request, anyway, I really don't get much relief fro. Any pain meds. But I'm so tired all the time I take methamphetamine just to function. Trust me I got high when I was younger, that's not the case today. I have almost completely sea ed myself of all my pain meds. My problem is my Dr did a surprise drug panel on me (which they lied and said it was to analyze my scripts) now he saw I came up + for methamphetamine and threatens to drop me all the time. I want to find a new Dr. I don't think it was even legal the way he did this Any advice out there??

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Ji Jo

My husband is desperate for a new Dr. Would you share his name I can give you my personal ail if you would prefer. He's desperately needing help


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I'm in Santa Rosa and looking for a pain management Dr liberal with pain meds who won't treat me like I'm an addict and will treat me for the pain I suffer daily. Had a failed back surgery 6 years ago and need HELP!!!

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I need to find a good pain management Dr in Northeast Ohio. Someone who isn't afraid to prescribe oxycodone and percocet. I have had chronic back pain since I was 12yo. I had multiple car accidents, multiple hard falls off of my horse, I crashed many fences when the horse stopped and I flipped over his head. I have a lot of issues with my spine. I hurt from the middle of my bank down into my tail bone, radiates to both hips, down the back of both legs and numbness/tingling into my toes DAILY ALL DAY LONG. I also tore my ACL in my left knee and when they did the MRI they discovered a tumor on the head of my tibia and that my knee is bone to bone. My PMDR Is afraid to prescribe and I'm only on 5mg Roxie 3 times a day. It does not take my pain away at all. I was on Percocets 5/325 mg Q4hr and they helped at the beginning but seemed to only last for an hour at the most. I was told that Oxycodone and percocet for breakthrough pain works well? I am at my wits end. I am depressed because I can't do much with my youngest son anymore... I try to do things and pay for it severely. I'm waiting for surgery but until then I thought my dr would care enough to relieve me of pain or lessen it. If ANYONE knows of any good Dr's in Northeast ohio near Mentor Ohio I would greatly appreciate it. Good luck to all of you it's a shame that those of us who truly need strong pain meds can't get them because of what is happening in the U.S. Shame on them!!!!

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What doctor were you with and have you found a new one? I would love to get both doctors info if you wouldn't mind. I have scoliosis in my lower back slipped disks, and fibro on top of it all. Needing help. Email at {edited for privacy}. Thanks for your help and hope you are feeling well and will start or continue to.

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Hi! Did you find a good pain management dr in Santa Rosa for meds? I'm in desperate need...not sure what to do

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Hi there. It's been a while since anyone posted but figured I'd give it a shot. I'm 25 year old since mom and also had my daughter at 21. I live in Reno and have had terrible back, neck, and hip pain for 2 years. I've had injections, and pt but it doesn't help. I can take 4500 mg of Tylenol with no relief. I have great drs who do prescribe pain medication and it helps tremendously. Maybe consider moving. I would if I found the right doctors to help my pain. I'm on 5/325 norco of 7.5/325 norco and I get 126. Or I was getting 90 every 8 days. I am able to be a better parent and can function like a normal 25 year old.

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Re: kari (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi there I saw your post and have questions about opiates

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Re: Mamainpain (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure you’re still here but there is a doctor in San Diego, her name is Steiner. She’ll give you what you need as long as your not on oxygen. I've been with her for years but she’s not going to give it to you like that. She'll put you on OxyContin for every 8 hrs and oxycodone for break through. Mine was 150 mg a day till I start getting better then I lowered myself to 90 a day doing well. She’s the only one in San Diego, easy to find. Good luck with everything.

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