Where Can I Fill My Rx Oxycodone 80 Mg (Top voted first)


Where can I fill my prescription st. Louis mo?

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Where can I get oxycodone 80 mg filled in st. Louis mo?

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I'm not in St. Louis, so I really can't give you an answer to that, but I can give you some advice that may help you with locating it.

My first piece of advice is don't call the pharmacies asking if they carry it. The reason for this is because, in most cases, you will not get an accurate answer. Due to the risk of theft, most pharmacies will just automatically tell you no, they do not keep it in stock. When you are just a voice on the phone, they have no way of knowing if you are a real customer with a legitimate prescription, or a thief that may come in later to rob them.

This means you will actually have to physically go in to the pharmacies in your area, so you can show them your prescription. That's the only way to really find out whether or not they can fill it for you.

My second piece of advice is to search online or pick up your local phone book and see if there are any speciality pain management pharmacies in your area. They are usually small, fairly well hidden pharmacies, with extra security, because they specialize in controlled substances.


Does anyone else have any suggestions or advice to add?

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