When Should I Expect My First Cycle?? (Top voted first)


ok so I started my period on 9/11. started sprintec on 9/26. had intercourse 9/30. I missed one pill the 3rd day but have been taking them everyday since then. when should I expect my first cycle?

2 Replies

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Hello, Grace! How are you?

If you engaged in unprotected intercourse that soon after starting them, then there's a chance you could be pregnant. They are not effective that fast and your doctor should have informed you of that, when they were prescribed.

If you start them on the first or second day of your period, you are immediately protect, since they will prevent ovulation that month. However, if you start them at any later point, then they must be taken for a full 7 days, before they will become effective in your body and prevent pregnancy…..and that also means not missing any.

Normally, you should get your period during the week of the inactive tablets, which is the fourth week.

But you should contact your doctor, because you most likely need to be checked for pregnancy.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Ok so I'm currently still on the blue pills I started the pills 15 days after my period started. Since its only been 2 weeks since intercourse is it too early to test?

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