When Does Loestrin 24 Become Effective? (Page 2)
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I started loestrin 24 on the 5th day of my period and would like to know how long until it is effective. The nurse practitioner said one full packet of pills but that conflicts with almost everything else Ive heard or read.
Any advice/opinions/info appreciated.
OK, ive been on Loestrin for a couple of months... I had really horrible cramps and that is the reason I take it.. Ive just recently been talking to my boyfriend about having sex for the first time and we don't want to use a condom... I am a little nervous... I am 18 and I am not ready for a child. How effective is it from preventing pregnancies? I miss a pill here and there so does that lower my rate of not getting pregnant? Do I have to wait a few weeks if I miss a pill to have sex?
What if you dont always take loestrin24 at the same time? I try to take it every morning before I leave for school but sometimes I forget and take it when I get home at 3. Does the pill still work?
I have been on loestrin 24 for a month an I week I took my pill 2 hours late and my boyfriend came on me? Am I safe?
So, I started my period the night before I took my first pill in the pack of the birth control. My periods are very heavy, and I noticed that the second day of my period i wasn't bleeding, just very lightly spotting, this is not normal for me. I've continued to take them, it's been 4 days. Is this normal for the period to stop completely?
I started loestrin 24 fe in 1/9/2012..which is when I started my period..i just happened to see my obgyn the same day..if I have un protected sex will I become pregnant
i started to take lo lostrin fe since last wed. and until tomorrow will be in a week. if my boyfriend comes inside will i be ok, and wont be prego ever, if i taken it the same time every day, will it lost its effective if i am also taken other medicine such as abilify 2.5mg and 50 mg zoloft at the same times.
I been take the pill for 3 week,and my boyfriend had ejacukated in me that was 2 days a go... Can i be pregnant???
Help me!!
I am on my 2nd pack of loestrin 24 and I started taking the pill 2 - 3 days after my period started. I want to know if I'm safe to have unprotected sex and not have to worry about getting pregnant. I've been careful for the month I have been on it, I just want to know when I can start living a little worry free about this.
you're supposed to have protected sex while on antibiotics if on the pill. it can mess up the effectiveness. you need to wait at least a month after the use of antibiotics to have unprotected sex again.
I started taking lo loestrin fe about 3 months ago. Well my boyfriend and i just recently broke up so I just abruptly stopped taking it. I was super depressed so i went on a weekend drinking binge with my girlfriend. All after the second day of drinking alchohol i became extremely sick, I was shaking, vomiting, I could not eat, had bad stumache pains, body aches,flue like feelings so I thought maybe i had alchohol poisening or my liver was bad because it felt swollen, I was sweating prefusly. Well all my tests came back normal but my blood pressure spiked. For the next 6 days I went through this, calling the ambulance because I had a reaction to an antibiotic i was prescribed (never happens) then went to the hospital becuase my heart was pounding out of my chest, I felt hot, my chest was tight, thought I damaged my heart. Went tot he doc, nothing wrong, tests all normal. Then I notice my hair has gotten extremely thin within the past 3 weeks. I said to myself, what did I do different that could have caused this? Then I said to myself, well, I stopped taking the pill, so I decided well, I'll just do a little internet research on it just for the heck of it. Come to find out many other similar posts of complaints after abruptly stopping these meds, even girls saying they had complete hair loss after, which no one tells you if you stop taking this drug you will have hair loss. So I got so scared of being sick and bald like this forever I decided just to go head and stay on the meds, so I just took a pill. My question is, how long will it take for my estorgen levels and everything to go back to normal,how many days of taking this pill before I will feel relief and have no more hair loss??
my girl friend and i had protected sex and the condom broke. she was taking the pill for a week before her period and then she had her period and then she became off of her period and was back on the pill for 2to3 day sbefore this happened... she went pee imediately after i discovered that the condom was broken... she said nothing came out.... also i am not even sure if i ejaculated...
i was wondering when it is safe to have unprotected sex on Loestrin24 fe?? i just finished my first pack. i just took my second pill in the second pack is it now safe to have unprotected sex?? thank you
My obgyn has always told me to start the sunday after my period starts but when I explained to her I'd forget to start the pills if I got my period on Wednesday and would have to wait til Sunday to start. She said I could start on the first day of my period whenever that was. I think doctors say to wait until your period comes so that you know for sure that you aren't pregnant before you start the pills. If you are already pregnant and take birth control pills, it could complicate things. I'd wait til your period started just to be safe.
I haven't gotten my period yet but I want to start taking the pill today since it's a sunday and I am really anxious for this to start working. Is it okay if I take the pill before I get my period again?
Hi this is my very first time using birth control. I started my last period on 5/22/11 I went to the doctor on the 24th of May, which I was on my cycle at the time and she said tho start them the following sun. So I had unprotected sex on the 6day and still contiued to have unprotected sex. Can I be pregnate I have had many diff symptoms as far as lower back pain nausea , lower abdominal pain, tired, bloating, cravings.
I'm almost to the end of my 2nd cycle of lo loestrin fe and I frickin hate it. Lo loestrin made my existing acne worse than it's ever been in years. Not only do the existing papules take longer to heal, but new ones pop up everyday. My chin is disgusting, and it's never happened like this to me before until I got on the lo loestrin. I'm calling my obgyn tomorrow morning because I can't take large red pus bumps upon more large red pus bumps. It's made me very depressed and frustrated. I was originally put on lo loestrin because I had heavy, painful periods. My periods HAVE gotten lighter but it's not worth the mess that has broken out all over my chin and jawline. Hopefully, the doctor can prescribe me another birth control that won't aggravate my acne.
Yes, it CAN cause acne. However, not in every woman. For me, it cleared mine up.
I'm a skin care professional, so i'm going to give you a few tips on how to get rid of that stuff.
Go to an organic grocery store (whole foods or something like it) and get a green tea or white tea or tea tree bar soap (without sulfates preferably). wash with that everyday. Also, sometimes usuing a humidifier when you sleep will help bring oxygen and blood flow to your skin, allowing the lymph (the substance that carries nutrients to your organs and flushes out toxins from the body) to flow to your skin and help heal it. Also, eating foods that are rich in antioxidants will help as well, because antioxidants are what fight free-radicals which cause your skin to break out due to bacteria. Blueberries, dark chocolate, white tea, green tea (also good for a body cleanse if you're trying to drop a few lbs). Now, if you want a quicker fix...go to your local walgreens and get some cortisone cream (make sure it's cream and not ointment), and after you shower, moisturize your face with that. It is a topical steroid (dont let that word scare you) that speeds up the healing process. DO NOT SCRUB YOUR FACE. a very light exfoliation, like from a warm wash cloth when you're washing your face everyday, is fine.
Something I did for one of my clients one time: she came in with REALLY bad acne (we're talking pizza face). None of the products i had were working for her. So i went to the store and bought some organic cocoa powder. I mixed it with warm, brewed white tea (which teas also act as an astringent for cleaning the skin as well and a toner! PLUS!). I made it into a paste. After 3 sessions of doing that during her treatments, her skin started clearing up. I gave her the stuff to do it at home, she came in 2 months later with almost perfectly clear skin and happy as could be. Because cocoa is a rich source of antioxidants, and it's natural.
Hope this helped :)
-Laura Elisabeth
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