What's The Risk Of Psychosis With Therapeutic Doses Of Solphyllex
Updatedi have had 2 patients develop first time psychotic symptoms within 24hrs after taking solphyllex for common cold .they have no prior psychiatric history and negative family history of psychiatric illness.there is no history of substance abuse save for occasional beers.the first patient suffered recurrent psychotic attacks long after the solphyllex was withdrawn.i know theophyllin may cause CNS stimulation but why is this becoming common at usual therapeutic doses?
1 Reply
I am a member of the public, not in the medical field, but I experienced what my doctor referred to as "a trip" after taking Solphyllex. The reason being that he had earlier prescribed another broncho-dilator containing theophylline and the combined effect of the two sent me into la-la land. It was a horrible experience, but lasted only as long as the medication was in my system.
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