What To Say To Dr. To Get Methadone For Legs?
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About 3 years I was working on a telephone tower and I fell 15 feet to the ground. I severely hurt my legs. My dr. prescribed me percocets for a few months, but then stopped me on them because he felt I should be better and doesn't believe in long term pain management. Well I continually bring to his attention the severe pain i have from my prior injury and he tells me that there is nothing he can do about it. I have been referred to another dr. by some friends, whom I go see in a few days. I really would like his help with pain management. I have heard that his pain management choice is methadone, which I have tried before and it really helped but, I would like to know if anyone has any suggestions as to what I can say to be sure that he will take my pain seriously and start me on pain management. If you have any ideas at all as to what I can say, please let me know. Thanks so much in advance for your answers.

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I have to agree with Josie on this, if you go in trying to get a certain narcoticc, it makes most doctors think you are a drug seeker, who is either abusing it or wanting to sell it.

As to taking your pain seriously, you have to be completely honest with the doctor about everything and make certain that he gets copies of all of your records. Then he can see what you've been treated with, what worked and what didn't.

Have you ever considered possibly just using a pain management clinic?


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My first advice to you is to NOT go in and ask for any particular med. This tends to make Dr.'s think that you are after a certain drug to sell. Just be honest and tell him what you have tried, what works. Be open to his ideas. My pain Dr. uses a combo of spinal shots to deaden nerves, fentynal patches and narco. I have seen people pitched from his office when they won't take the shots and just want the drugs. Pain management has become very complicated due to all the people trying to scam drugs to sell, makes it hard on those of us with real pain. Just be prepared to jump through what ever hoops, urine tests, etc., that they may want. I see people have better luck, not asking for a certain drug, so that is my advice as a long term pain patient. Good luck.

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re: your doctor not wanting to help with your pain management. A doctor has a right, by law, to defer pain management treatment, which it sounds like he's done. If he chooses not to treat you, he must refer you to someone else. You say he has done that also, and you'll be seeing the second doctor soon. It seems your concern is that his med of choice is methadone, and this is a med you've tried and not been helped by it. I understand you situation, being there myself right now. I keep a list of all meds I've tried and all that didn't work, and show the doctor the list. The doctor may have preferences, but if you let him/her know you've tried it and it wasn't successful, he'll surely offer another type of med. If not, he will need to refer you to another doctor, also. My new doctor told me he didn't feel comfortable prescribing the dosage of Percocet my prior doctor had me on and has referred me to a new pain management physician. I happen to have problems and/or allergies to most pain meds, such as anti-inflammatories, anti-depressants, and all the new meds like Lyrica and Cymbalta. I've tried most pain meds and can use ONLY Percocet! So, am going to have to talk with pain management doctor about how to change from Perco to another med, since I've 'maxed' out on it. I also have major probs with any long acting med. They behave as a short acting med, so within a few hours my body is wanting its next dose and trying a new long acting med , for me, might mean waiting a full day before I can take the next dose ! I am usually any doctors 'interesting case study'. I'm a major challenege and many doctors don't even want to treat me !!!!!!!!!!! Kinda scarey. I wish you luck. Most doctors will want to work with their patients.

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