What Side Effects Would Be Considered Dangerous
UpdatedI'm on day 3 of a 7 day course of Nitrofurantoin (4x50mg). After taking my third dose, I experienced what I would describe as 'flu' like symptoms; aches, shivers and general malaise. The next day I felt much better - the 'flu like' symptoms were gone but I still felt a bit nauseous and had diarrhoea. However the symptom I'm most worried about is a cough I've developed. I'm a smoker, bit can't touch a cigarette as I go into spasms of coughing. I'm happy to put up with side effects as my UTI appears to be improving - as long as none of the side effects are considered dangerous. I should also add I'm due to fly tomorrow and wonder if my breathing/cough would beade worse.
1 Reply
HI, Anne! How are you feeling?
Yes, the dry air of a plane may make it a bit worse. It's probably a good idea to try to keep your throat as moist as possible by sipping water and/or sucking on hardy candies, if you can.
Symptoms that would be considered dangerous would be those such as skin hives, throat swelling that inhibits breathing, extreme diarrhea and/or vomiting.
However, you should consult your doctor just to be sure.
The mailaise and 'flu' like symptoms happen to a lot of people that take this antibiotic and generally go away after the course of treatment is finished.
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