What Is The Use Of Gynaecolin (Top voted first)


I'm 38. Married in 2014. Reports from my doctor are normal. I would like to have a baby. My doctor suggested me to take gynaecolin ayurvedic medicine. Should I take it? What is the primary use of this medicine?

4 Replies

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Am reshma 24 years old findout i have pcod and am married can my friend told to take gynacolin tablet can i use that

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What is the primary use of gynaecolin? I'm Sandhya 38. My reports are normal. I would like to have baby. My doctor suggested me to take gynaecolin syrup.

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Hello Sandhya,

Gynaecolin medicine claims to help in restoration of physical and physiological well-being and complete gynecological care. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any case studies or scientific data that proves that this has an additional benefit. I'm not sure why your doctor would want to put you on any sort of medicine if your labs came back normal? Did he mention it having anything to do with your age being a risk factor with the pregnancy?

Realistically without any sort of data or studies showing that this drug works in the intended way I can't say that I would advise taking it. It's up to you ultimately if you want to go with this medicine or not.

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I have had a very good proper regular period for years, but now it has become irregular. I consulted nearby doctor, they suggested to take gynaecolin syrup. I took the whole bottle, but my periods are not regular.

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