What Is The Use Medicine To Get Pregnant?
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Hi,am 27years olwoman and am trying to get pregnant from last 1year but not getting success. My periods are not regular so I consult to doctor and she say than may be I am not ovulating so she did my pcod and hormonal test .I have pcod and harmonl imbalance and cyst of ovary .so she prescribed a 6months course of metformin ,folic acid ,dronic20, but not result .I'm complete my course so after I'm useing ovabless tablet doc also say 3month course .I am eating tablet in 15 days but how to get pregnant in three months ...

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I'm irregular,until now I have no menstruation 2 months na and also I use p.t but it is negative what should I do please help me what medicine can I take.

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Hello, Sangita! How are you? Have you experience any success, yet?

Has your husband been checked? It isn't always the woman that has the fertility problem, he should also be examined to be sure, according to the NIH. While PCOD and a hormonal imbalance can interrupt fertility, if he also has a problem, your chances of becoming pregnant are much lower.

As to the period of time you were taking the Dronis 20, you would not become pregnant while taking them, they are actually used to prevent pregnancy and, in cases such as yours, to help balance your hormones back out to get your irregular cycles and PCOD under control.

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