What Is Tamazapine
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I have very broken sleep, my doctor has prescribe mirztazapine, 15mg per night along with my fluxotine 60mg per day, I also have other medication I take,I have been advised to ask my GP for tamazapine but I don't know how to express or tell my GP that this may help me, I am at my wits end and very agitated can you advise me at all I am 47yrs of age (female) thankyou

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Thanks for your reply im on my second night now with two hours sleep, I can feel myself drifting down wards, it takes over a week to get a doctors appointment, I'm really in a unhappy place at the moment, but I appreciate your input thankyou Karen

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Your more then welcome.I too suffer from chronic insomnia and have tried many rx and OTC meds over the years so I truly understand how difficult it is dealing with sleeplessness.I hope you and your GP come up with the regimen that benefits you the most. Warmest Regards, Kenie.

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I'd like to say thankyou for your reply and advice, it would seem obvious that by asking for a specific drug from my GP a bit suspicious, I will chat with my doctor to inform her that my current medication is not benifiting my current situation, I just have some sleepless nights which make me frustrated and bad tempered. Then my body clock is so out of sync I'm just not with it, kind regards Karen

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Temazepam RESTORIL is a very potent benzodiazepine class drug used FOR VERY SHORT TERM MANAGEMENT OF INSOMNIA. Usually for no more then 10 days. It carries a high risk of habituation so MOST GP's stay clear from prescribing it.Id think twice about asking for a specific drug because your prescriber may see this as drug seeking behavior. Especially if you have no prior experience with this drug and were only told it would work better.It's best if you explain your current regimen isn't effective and perhaps he would try a different medication. Most General practioners are very hesitent to prescribe any benzo like drugs these days and refer you to mental health specialists for an ASSESMENT of your issues.I hope this gives you some insight into this

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