What Is Sulfameth Trimethoprim 800 160 Tabs Treated For


I have been subscribed sulfameth trimethoprim 800 160 for a skin rash. Sulfar content scares me since I had a friend died taking sulfa with Steven Johnson Syndrome. I need more advice on this med. It was prescribed by a Nurse Practioner

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Please see Jo Ann's question below, have not received an answer.

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Hello, Jo Ann! How are you?

This is an antibiotic that's used to treat infections and its normal side effects may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

That syndrome is a possible risk associated with any antibiotic, but it is a very slight risk. There's actually a great chance of having an allergic reaction to this one, since about 3% of the population are allergic to it.

If it's just a skin rash and not an actual infection, then this medication is most likely not appropriate, because it will only treat infections.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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