What Is Sulfameth Trimeth Ds 800 160
UpdatedI have a abscess under my front bottom right tooth in the gums. I have no med insurance or money due to being out of work for last 5 yrs. Can someone take this for the infection. And how much would someone take?
1 Reply
Hi, Dee!
I'm sorry about the problem you're having, I've been there myself, but this is an issue that you really need to see a dentist and have treated. Many places in the U.S. have low-income dental clinics now that have emergency walk-in hours, so you may be able to get treatment free or at a significant discount and you really need to look into it.
The reason I am saying this is because treating the infection will not help with the underlying reason for the infection. An abscess is usually caused by a deep cavity that has been left untreated for too long and developed an infection down in the root of the tooth. Thus, you could take an antibiotic, which may help for awhile, but the infection is just going to keep returning as long as that cavity is still there.
And while this is a generic for Bactrim, which is used to treat a variety of infections, you'd need to have enough of it to finish a full course of treatment and that's usually 2 tablets a day for 10 days.
Learn more Bactrim details here.
If you don't have enough, you run the risk of developing antibiotic resistant bacteria and making yourself even worse off.
This medication may also cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. There is also a risk for about 3% of the population due to being allergic to sulfa medications, so they may have a severe allergic reaction to this medication.
Is there anything else I can help with?
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