What Is Stronger Hydrocodone 10 750 Or 325
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I have leg and back pain were I can't even walk or even lay down which hydrocodone is best for me!?

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My pain mangement wont let me have ambien because I M ON HYDROCODONE for back pain I have tried trazadone and mirzapine for sleep but still don sleep any suggestions

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Were they taken off the market for good? Curious because i just got from the er hydrocodone apap 7.5/750.

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Hello, Barbara! How are you?

Actually, you have no choice but to go with the one that contains 325mgs of Acetaminophen, because the others are no longer available, they were all removed from the market as of the 1st of the year.

This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Dear Barbara, the only difference is the amount of Tylenol in them. The 325 have less Tylenol than the 750. Some Drs. Will give the 325 b cause 2 much Tylenol can cause liver problems. p.s. Tylenol is same name 4 acetaminophen.

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