What Is Penicillin Used For (please Help) (Top voted first)



I've been seeing boils/blister on and around my genitals, my scrotum and close to the rectum. I've done different laboratory tests including herpes to know what exactly is wrong but to no avail. This thing has been doing me for 5 years now, please i need help on what medicine in tablet or cream to use to permanently cure this disease because it's really frustrating. Thanks and i hope to hear from you soon.

3 Replies

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Hello, Barton! How are you? Sorry about the problem you're having.

Have you seen a dermatologist?

If it wasn't herpes, which is what would most commonly cause genital blisters, then the next thing I can think of would be that it could be an allergy of some sort.

There are some types of hives that can do that.

Have you tried changing your soap, laundry detergent and etc.?

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Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Google it. I've had it for 21 years. It souds exactly like what you have :-(

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l have a boil near my rectum and I am pregnant. l have complained to my doctor about this and he say it will go away but it's increasing in size. It looks like warts and is itching me. I am no more comfortable with it. Please l need your help.

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