What Is Pax 10 Used For
UpdatedHi, I take 30 mg of pax -10 and 150mg of venlor (antidepressant) 400mg of epilem daily, although I'm not epileptic I have seizures now and then from stress. I am also on strong pain medication as I have compression fractures in my C spine. Is all this safe together? I'm especially concerned about the pax, although it really helps I'm wondering if it's a dangerous dosage? Thank you kindly
1 Reply
Hello, Callum! How are you?
Regardless of why you are experiencing seizures, the same medications are used to treat and prevent them. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings and weight changes.
Pax is listed as having the potential to be habit forming and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, mood swings and irritability.
What pain medications do you take? I'm sorry, but I can't answer all of your questions, without knowing this additional information. Can you please post back and clarify? Thanks!
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