What Is Flupen 250 Used For
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Is it save to take flupen when pregnant

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Hi, I have a problem with my left ear for about 2yrs now it started by getting itchy then after it was sore after a while it started to blog for few minutes and open. however I took it to the local clinic they gave me ear ointment to use but still did not help. I then went back to tell them that its dripping and I cant hear anything at all with it (hearing loss). they gave me Flupen 250 ,I used them and they made me feel dizzy and my ear still dripping and smelly fluid. should I continue to use flupen or should I stop them ?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can it also help treat a vaginal rash?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have pain in my teeth. Can Flupen help?

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i have a sore on my left feet and it started on 2016 i was admmited to the hospital for treatment but they give me Flupen 250 but i left it on my way and but the intch is close but my feet got a problem like when i sleep it got small, when i start wearing my snikker it my feet got big so what must i do should i go to the clinic again

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I have something in my vigina n I went to clinic they given me flupen 250..I'm I going to be okay

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Hi, Can Flupen be used for sore throat & chest infection?

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I have ring worms all over my body can I use flupan? Will it.help?

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Re: Simon (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Simon. Based on my research, the application of Flupen (Flucloxacillin / Floxacillin) against STI's seems virtually non-existent.

Floxacillin is an antibiotic that is regarded for its use in killing gram-positive bacterial strains. However, most STI's that I'm aware of are gram-negative (i.e. gonorrhea) - Therefore Flupen is not generally recommended.

The CDC also does not reportedly include Flucloxacillin on their list of treatment recommendations for any STI.

Has your doctor provided any input on this matter?

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Re: Nicky (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Good day Nicky.. I have been prescribed Flupen 250 tablets as well after i have discovered that i have a lump in my breast a week ago. Did it help in making the lump disappear from your breast?

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I suspect I am having STI and I am using Flupen 250, will this help?

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My husband have bad thooth abses whatto give antibiotica to clear it up wil flupen250 help

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I have been taking flupen for a lump found in my breast and I didn't see my period

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Flupen is listed as containing the active ingredient Flucloxacillin, which is an antibiotic that's used to treat various type of bacterial infections.

Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea, as reported by the FDA.

And yes, it has not been shown to have any harmful effects, if taken while pregnant.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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