What Is Doxytet The Green Capsule For? (Top voted first)


I had some pains in my belly button, sometimes discover that I have a brown smelly discharge and pains (similar to period pains) in my lower abdonimal (left side).

I went to the clinic and they gave me the green doxytet capsules(100mg) and metronidazole (200mg). The nurse that was assisting me said nothing is wrong but I'm still experiencing these pains.

32 Replies (2 Pages)

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Hi!!My name is Thuli my vigina is itchy n I went to the clinic and the nurse gave me doxytet and she didn't tell me what is the problem so I am so corncern

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I hv smelly discharge i cant go to work it smelly nurse gave me doxytet,i ned to knw the course bcose am married sleping with my husband,he is cheating or what bcos is destroying myself

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I am Sebata. I hv a yellowish discharge n sperm is mixed with blood. So what shld i use to help myself.

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Hi... I experienced brown discharge and my womb is painful like period pains.... I went to clinic they gave me green doxytet....I'm on two months prevention (for pregnancy). Can this c
Doxytet affect my birth control?

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I'm sbu khoba. I was having an intimate moment with my partner and didn't use protection. Can doxytet help flush any viruses?

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Doxytetracycline is an antibiotic that's used to treat or prevent bacterial infections.

A bacterial infection could explain the symptoms you were experiencing, a smelly discharge is usually indicative of one.

This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.

Learn more Doxytet details here.

If it isn't clearing up, you should see your doctor, as it may not be the right antibiotic to treat your condition.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Hi my name is Rochelle,I just wnt to know why my doctor gave me doxytet,I went blind 4 months ago and is doing well now,I was on steriod medication,but I'm off the medication now,but my eyes are very irratible and itcy and tears up on its own.My doctor gave me doxytet green capsules as a treatment for my eyes irratibility,will it help treat the icthiness etc...

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Is doxytet capsules the right medication to use for burnin eyes

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I have received Doxytet 100 and Moxymax 500 to treat flue. Is this combination for treating flue correct? cause i am still not feeling better.

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Hi I'm Temoso

I found doxytet in my girl friend bag,I want to k ow what they do?

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Will Doxytet help for acne like breakouts. I occasionally get pimples tha feel like boils especially under my arms.

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I also felt like that then after discovering that i was eight weeks pregnant,the pains didnt stop until i started fainting nd the doctors discovered that i had ectopic pregnancy(tubal pregnancy) i had to undergo surgery.so best advice go nd see a gynea b4 its too late.i also had the brown smelly discharge

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I got a pubic obsess and the doctor gave me flygel ,panado and doxytet
is fine

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Please go check for endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a under line illness that couse alot of women nit to be futile. Pms pains are horrid, pains move from front of body and in the back.
Pms isn't regular.
Please see a gynie.

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My doc put me on doxytet the green pill.
I went to him cos I have broken out in bad acconey. I'm 36 and have two kids. To have acconey at my age is horrid. How long does it take to work and what will it do to my acconey.
I also have under line endometriosis. How will doxytet affect that!
I've been on doxytet for three almost four weeks now and haven't seen any change.
Any advice.
Bon bon

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My son is 13 years old and have pimples around the face the clinic gave him doxytet green capsule will it help n vitamin bco

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I had intercourse with my boyfriend and after a week i discovered white discharge so I went to the clinic where they prescribed me doxytet.

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It's an antibiotic used to kill bacteria normally caused by a STI... it's normally prescribed by the doctor, you just can't get it over the counter. And treatment is normally for two weeks.

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I was bleeding heavily n had pains on my abdominal went to my Dr he gave me doxytet n.metronidazole wanna know its infection or ecpotic pregnancy?

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Hi. I did use the green capsule (with no printing on it) for malaria and it helped me. Now I hear it is also used for people that have venereal diseases. I'm concerned now as I don't have an sti.

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