What Is Bilocor Used For


How to cure kidney failure without dialysis

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I had a rapid heart beat and doc put me on 5mg bilocar, sorted out, I started gettn flu symptoms and chest infections to a point where I was sick wid flu, nasal drip, sinus infections every month, it was very bad until I saw another doc and he droppd the dose to 2,5mg, I neva got sick for the past 6months now and not gaining weight, yes I can make you gain weight, have ur thyroid checked, if u got hypothyroidism ul put on weight as well...hope it helps

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Bilocor contains the active ingredients Bisoprolol, it is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure, and some other cardiac diseases.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension.

Ref: Bisoprolol Information

As to kidney failure, once in full failure, the treatment options are generally dialysis, or a transplant.

You can learn more Kidney Failure Information

Has your doctor recommended dialysis?

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