What Is Alcachofa
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where can I buy this Alcachofa? I have read nothing but good things about it and need to lose about 88 lbs would this be the best thing for me?

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Can you tell where to find it and for how long to take it, I have a lot of weight to lose.

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I live in NYC. Do you know where I can buy the vials in a store? I am hesitant to buy them online.

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Hello please help me. Zip code is 76917 I wabt to buy the alcachofa. i need help so I can know were to go buy the alcachofa pleasee.

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You can get alcachofa at a herb store that is where i got it and at amazon.com

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I have used oral artichoke and sometimes combine it with oral l-carnitine. I buy it from mesobeautyslim.com. They have discounts for orders of 100 ampoullas. I got my money's worth from them as i lost 15 lbs.

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I have tried it myself - I just need to drink more water. Anyhow, you can purchase Alcachofa pretty much anywhere now. Depending on your zip code perhaps I can help you....

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I would love to get some ALCACHOFA I live in California if anybody can help plz contact me - its urgent!... plz help.

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the alcachofa has been a wonder to me..i lost 25lbs in 1 month...got pregnant and now i am back on it after having my baby.. its a very good diet..but one thing you do have 2 do is diet and excercise..i dont get hungry and drink 1.5 liters of water a day. not everyones body nis the same..but it doesnt hurt to try..i did diets before the alcachofa and was never a success..the alcachofa was it..i just love it!

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I have this product available as I personally take it myself and I have a relative who brings it from Mexico for me

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Alcachofa is simply a nutritional supplement that is derived from Artichokes, therefore it is claimed to do many things, but this is actually not proven.


There really is no miracle pill that will help you lose weight, by itself.

If you really want to do so, it is best to consult your doctor and do it properly, which will include following a proper diet and exercise regimen.

Are there any other comments or questions?

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