What Happens If Excedrin Pm And Aleve Are Combined
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If excedrin pm and aleve are combined, what happens
6 Replies
Took 3 Aleve 2 excedrin now have dry heaves what can I do to cure this
Yes for two days I've taken 2 ALLEVE in morning and 2 Excedrin pm at bedtime
wanting to add a jingle about what aleve can do. were do i submit my ideal?
I got confused as to how much I was taking. I fogot that I had just recently took 2 pm's. Should I be worried.? I have ever done this before. Also, I had 3 glasses of wine.
I accidently took 2 advil pm's and then 1 hour leter took 2 aleves
It depends on the amount that is combined. Large amounts of it could cause severe organ damage and/or a fatal overdose.
However, a normal dose will usually just result in upset stomach, headache, vomiting and stomach irritation. You may also get really drowsy and dizzy.
In general, they really shouldn't be combined, because you are combining medications that all do the same things, so it isn't necessary.
The Excedrin PM contains Acetaminophen and Diphenhydramine:
and the Aleve contains Naproxen:
Also, combining them regularly can result in organ damage, or stomach conditions such as ulcers and gastritis.
Have you been combining them?
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