What Does Mcrk Mean On My Prescription Bottle
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Next to my fill date of generic Percocet I usually have a MCRK code but this new supplier has MADV. Is there a meaning for this? I just feel it's not as strong as what I've been getting
7 Replies
What does DR stand for after the rx# on my medicine bottle?
Thanks for that reply, it really helps. I've been in chronic pain going on 10 years come May. It's a Workers Comp injury through the FD. Would asking my doctor to make a specific request help or maybe a call to my insurance company help or should I just talk to another pharmacy? I have been on 5/325 perc for somewhere around 5-6 years and before that Vicidin or Norco. Doctor doesn't seem to care that it doesn't do as much as it once did no matter how much I tell him I'm in pain
Is the pill with 512 on it the one you are talking about because last month I was given for the first time smaller pills with RP on them, they did nothing, worse then the larger pill with 512
Thanks again
Tom, I have taken this Mallinckrodt generic 5/325 percocet and it is a terrible generic. This was around 19 years ago. I've been a chronic pain sufferer for 26 years since 1989. My experience with the percocet family in the past has been Roxicet 5/325 is a better quality and more recently the Endocet 5/325. The Endocets also come in 7.5/325 & 10/325 are all better quality. These in between generics cost a little more than the oxycodone apap generics, but are definitely worth it. Here's a little secret the pharmaceutical industry isn't telling us. On a generic, we'll use Percocet as the example. When they manufacturer oxycodone hcl apap they only evaluate the initial run of pills for quality. Then the FDA will only evaluate their manufacturing quality only if their is a huge amount of complaints. If YOU complain about the potency of a narcotic analgesic your more than likely written off as a drug addict with a high tolerance... Now then any drug manufactured under any name other than the generic name like Roxicet, Endocet & Percocet each run of pills is evaluated for quality. Which one would you rather take? Don't let someone tell you their all the same, because as someone (myself) who has to take narcotic analgesics because of severe chronic pain, generics have never ever worked as well as brand name or the in between named pills. If your current pharmacy won't order Roxicets or Endocets for you find one that will. Usually the big chain pharmacies CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, etc. will only carry brand name (percocet) and the generic (oxycodone hcl apap). So you need to find a pharmacy that will work with you and order what YOU want Roxicet or Endocet. These will usually be pharmacies that aren't chain pharmacies and will cater to cancer & chronic pain patients. Most pharmacies won't talk to you over the phone about schedule II opiates because of criminals. You'll have to goto these pharmacies and show them your prescription for Percocet 5/325 and ask them if they would please order either Roxicet 5/325 or Endocet 5/325. If they won't don't act upset, ask them if they know of any pharmacy that carries them or might order them for you. They will probably assist you because they have seen your legitimate prescription for these pills. Part of the problem also is pharmacies don't want to order pills they might get stuck with and can't sell. Reaffirm to them you take this on a regular basis and will continue to come back to that pharmacy and fill that prescription. Plus if you have other medications you take transferring you meds to the new pharmacy who is helping you is a good faith move for them helping you. The prices might be a little higher, but you're getting a pharmacy who will work with you and the big chain pharmacies could care less. BTW I take 80mg Oxycontin & 30mg Roxicodone now, but I still remember my Percocet days and finding a pharmacy that would order Roxicet 5/325 or Endocet 5/325 or 10/325 was definitely a challenge. It was definitely worth the effort and I know exactly what you mean by they don't work as well. Those Mallinckrodt 5/325 oxycodone hcl apap would only give me about 1.5 hours of pain relief and then that was it. The Roxicet and Endocets gave me a solid 4 hours. It's not in your head Tom or a tolerance issue, it's a crappy made pill issue. Good luck with finding a better Percocet equivalent, just put in some effort in finding a pharmacy that'll work with you. You may have to wait a day or 2 for the initial order to get to the pharmacy, but then you're set. Once again good luck!
Ok hello again
I just renewed my prescription and thought I was getting my generic Percocet I have always gotten with the exception of last month. These pills are larger with 512 on one side. It's 5/325 mg
When I got home I saw the code on the bottle was the same as last month MADV. Why would the manufacturer have two differed shaped pills for the same dose, same medication?. Last month the pills were smaller with RP stamped on them and I feel I didn't get the relief I normally got
I'm going to finally try a new pharmacy next month
Thank you Verwon
I have always been given the same brand for at least 8 years. This RP brand just isn't effective for me. Feels like it's half the strength at best
Thanks again
Hello, Tom! How are you?
The MCRK and MADV are abbreviations for the generic manufacturers. For instance, MCRK stands for Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. In case of emergency, the pharmacies do this to keep track of the manufacturer and/or distributor and the RP is a manufacturers logo.
The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.
Is there anything else I can help with?
This new medication 5/325 Oxycodone / APAP has RP stamped on one side of medication
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