What Does M Mean On A Pill (Top voted first)
UpdatedWhite Round Pill With A Number 3 On One Side And M on the other side
5 Replies
Re: Confused (# 2)
The M is probably the manufacturer, like Mallinkroft. (Sp?)
Re: Kevin (# 3)
The one that I found has a box around the M
The m on the pill is an imprint which is an identifier and I would love to help you so I just need to know one detail. There are two different pills that I found with an M and a 3, but one of them has a square around the M and the other one has just an M and no box. These pills are completely different so I just need to know which one you have so I can provide you with some additional information.
what does a round white pill with an M on one side and 30 on the other side mean?
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