What Does Apo Mean On A Pill? (Top voted first)


On my sleeping pills it says "Apo-Zopiclone"... Then in brackets on the prescription label it says GLA. My question is, what does APO mean...and what does GLA mean? Thank you.

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What's APO 37.5/25 on my sleep medications stand for

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In Canada, and some other countries, medications are often listed according to manufacturer, and name of the actual chemical, so in this case, the APO stands for the manufacturer Apotex. The GLA stands for the distributor, since Apotex licenses their products to several companies for dissemination across the country.

The 37.5/25 is the designated dosage of the substances in the relevant medication.

Zopiclone may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, sleep actions, and next day hangover-like effects.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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It means that us was manufactured by the Apotex company and that is thier name for it.

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