What Could Cause A Positive Test For Methadone (Page 4) (Top voted first)


a random drug test yielded a positive test for methadone. If you are not taking methadone, how could that be?

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Same with me! I too take Nucynta and tested positive for methadone. I know from my dr that I have to have a different urine test than what the lab does. I had a DUI 2 yrs ago & have to go for testing. The probation office said I'm lying. Now they want my dr to write her & proof that I don't have meth in my system. I havent taken that crap since 2008 that was prescribed by my dr. There were only 4 pills used from that time. They didn't work for my chronic pain back then, why the hell would I take it now? But it is good to know that I'm not alone & either are you! Hope everything works out for you

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I was just tested positive for methadone, I don't even know what it looks like, never had it and have never been around anyone who has it. The nurse told me it was just a small indication on the test, but they were sending it to the lab for further testing, I have been taking Benadryl my allergies are crazy, plus if I get stung by a bee or if any insect stings or bites me I break out. could the benadryl cause the methadone positive? this has pissed me off, now I am on probation

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Today my husband went into the dr o manage his seriouse neck problem and he is prescribed Percocet 7.5MG and they gave him a urine test and he tested positive for methadone, but he took only one pill 5 days prior to ehs appointment, due to serious debilitating pain and then he took sudifed PE and ibprofen for the cold he had 3 days prior to his appointment, could he just recieved a false positive from that??? I really doubt he had any methadone in his system he has such a high matabolisum, and works, eats and drinks lots of water daily. They sent the test out to be tested at the lab and I would hate to see him not get treated because of a over the counter medication. Can they tell exactly what medication it is? or is it just a catagory they use to put the nmedications in?d

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Can I add methadone to quick fix plus synthetic urine because I have been smoking weed and so it shows up that methadone is in my system an not weed

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i take lortab10 for pain went to doc she gave me a drug test and it came back that i had methadone in my system i have never took methadone in my life

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i tested possitive for methadone on a uran test..ive had nothing in my system exsept amoxicilin..can this cause a faulse possitive for methidone...?

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