What Could Cause A Positive Test For Methadone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


a random drug test yielded a positive test for methadone. If you are not taking methadone, how could that be?

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Cycleman thanks for the reply. But i am still completely confused on how this could happen. Im severely allergic to methadone. But they fired me anyway. And ive just been diagnosed with a cancerous tumer in my pancreaus.and im deeling with this with no pain meds cuz of a false positive.

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There are other meds that can cause a false positive, in my case it's benadryl to try and sleep, started out with 4 (25mg) pills a night now I've gradually increased it and am at 12-14 pills a night and now i often get restless legs short breaths fuzzy vision noises that don't sound right uncoordinated as hell

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When you say 12-14 pills a night, do you actually mean 12-14 milligrams a night? Benadryl (diphenhydramine) comes in a standard 10 milligram pill, so if you're taking more than 2 or 3, you're putting your life at risk. Please be careful?

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Today I went to my doctor my pain management and I take Percocet I expected when my doctor gave me my urine test that it would come back Percocet but he comes in and tells me it came back positive for Methadone I don't take methadone never have took methadone I looked it up online and see what it look like and never have seen anything like that before in my house what in the world could have caused my urine test to come out methadone instead of Oxycodone I work at a place that's really dusty and so I do take sinus medication from over the counter today is December 12th 2016 and on December 1st 2016 I took a urine test for work and it came back negative except for the oxycodone was in it like it should be where in the world did this methadone come from I have no idea I've never took it never seen it until today looking it up online if anyone has any idea I would really be interested in an answer thank you very much

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From my internet searches, it seems that common sleep aids such as Benadryl (diphenhydramine) and Unisom (doxylamine succinate) and a list of other medications can create a false positive for methadone. I've never taken methadone in my life and don't even know what it looks like, but I tested positive TWICE, consecutively. I have chronic pain and terrible insomnia and especially the night before an appointment, so I was taking 1 Benadryl, 1 Unisom and a 10 mg. Melatonin tablet at bedtime. At my pain management doctor's office I had a urinalysis, but wasn't given the results until my next month's appointment. At that time I was told that I had failed, so right away was handed a cup to pee in. Since I didn't know what was going on yet and had taken those sleep meds the night before again, naturally I failed that test too. This is when I began looking for this vitally important information.

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Hopefully this information will provide helpful information on this subject... I’m the office manager at a doctor's office. He specializes in helping people with substance abuse (his specialty is ADDICTIONOLOGY). We do urine drug screens on our patients at every visit, for many reasons; we need to be sure that the patients aren't taking anything besides is prescribed, to be sure they aren't putting themselves into danger. The DEA generally flags patients getting Suboxone and Opiates at the same time (as do the insurance companies). Also, we need to know EXACTLY what our patients are taking, so we can make sure we are giving them the correct treatment plan.

REGARDING "FALSE POSITIVES" (a substance showing up as positive on the office urine drug test that you are absolutely sure you didn't take)... Request that they send the test into the lab to "confirm" the results. The tests used in the office are usually pretty accurate, but some things may cause them to show positive incorrectly. The equipment used, when the test is sent to the lab, is MUCH more sophisticated, and MUCH more accurate. There is usually an additional charge for this (insurance will pay for it, if you have it). False positives almost NEVER happen, when tested at the lab. It’s worth the extra cost. Medical records are permanent, legal documents. They might be sent to other doctors, insurance companies, etc. They follow you where you go. I, personally, would not want a test result in my medical records that shows positive for a substance I did not take. I would like it shown that I was telling the truth when I said that no matter what the doctor's test shows, I did not take what is says I took.

One last thing (sorry, I know this is long). To be fair, doctors hear, "I didn't take _____ (whatever substance is showing up), I have no idea why it shows up positive", all day long. The tests used in their office are generally accurate, and sadly many of the people are not as truthful as they could be about their drug use. It isn't right, and I am not defending it. They are often cynical and/or don't believe you. Unfortunately, the people telling the truth are vastly outnumbered by those who are not. Doctors (the doctor I work for, at least) are not mean, are not trying to "catch you" doing something wrong, and don't mean to challenge your integrity when they seem to disbelieve you. At our office, our goal and intent is to help, support, and protect our patients.

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I just tested positive for methadone and 2 different ER visits this week. I've never taken the drug and the ER doctor didn't believe me when I said I had no idea how that shows up in my system.

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Sorry forgot to post the link in first comment: m.jat.oxfordjournals.org/content/36/8/582.full

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Wow me too! Positive for methadone & don't know what it is. I have had headache meds recently but am clueless!

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I just left from the dr and my urine test came back positive for methadone. The only medication im taking is tramadol. There is no possible way that methadone is in my system. The tramadol had to have test positive for methadone. They are going to send it off to a lab. Has this happened to anybody else before?

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I went to the ER to get my sugar tested. I asked the nurse for ice water. she took a long time coming back with the ice water. on Friday I went to mental health to get my case reopen. I had to take a urine test. for Drugs. with in 5 minutes my urine came back it was positive for methadone. have never had methadone in my life.i want to know if you. think the nurse had put methadone in my ice water.i was told that methadone stays in your system for three to five days is that true.want to know how methadone was in my system three days later.

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I too take nucynta & tested positive for Methadone. I was shocked. I was accused of taking meds that weren't perscribed by my dr.

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I feel for you. I have never taken methadone I was shocked that my urine came back positive for methadone. that Goes on my mental health record. the only way I could have gotten methadone in my system was that the nurse had to put it in my icewater. ill never ask for another cup of ice water. I do not know what the side effects are for methadone.

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Nucynta does cause a false positive because it happened to me. The only pain med I take is Nucynta & Soma. I had a drug test done & I tested positive. There is no way I had taken Methadona in over 8 years. I have chronic pain for the last 15 yrs & this has never happened before. The labs that are analyzing this results should pay attention to the details before releasing false reports!

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From what I know about these urine tests & taking Nucynta, a special urine test is needed. My Dr gives me a different test but the labs aren't aware of what you are taking and they just gives the normal test. Insist on having them give you a different test that's available for people who take Nucynta.

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Methadone is showing in my urine screen though I've never taken.

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My friend took a drug test for her job and failed for methadone she hasn't taken it for over a year. She was sick last week and was on a few different meds. So I say yes something else caused it

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YES!! Nyqill can test pos. for methadone. Also aleve can cause pos result for thc!! I don't smoke marijuana. Not for 30 yrs! Came up pos for thc. My face must have showed my shock and confusion lol cuz the nurse doing test told me it can do a false pos. I think this happens A LOT!!! But trying to get the dr testing u to believe it and educate him and get him to trust and believe u is another matter. Hope this helps.

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I have been taking suboxone for over 3 years now and have been clean from pills for the entire time even when I was using I never took methadone so I am so heartbroken that I have been testing ppositive I am so proud of my sobriety and wouldn't ever do anything go jepordize my clean time I don't know what's going on I am getting so discouraged being accused of doing something I damn well know I am Not!

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